Monday, August 15, 2011

Our Beanie Baby

A wet spring turned our cornfields into soybean fields.  They're flourishing now. We like it as the shorter beans don't hide the hungry deer out for supper in the evening.  They also don't hide Bailee when we're out exploring.  Yesterday we took a ride to the inlet (Well we couldn't quite reach our picnic spot...more details to follow) and stopped to check out what soy beans really look like.  They resemble a pea pod and at this stage, they're fuzzy!  I think they just might be ready for endamama...!! OK, I wasn't sure what that was either until Lee's cousin Lou Ann mentioned it.  It looks to me to be a healthy, organic snack....No wonder I'd never heard of it.  A little research suggests they are the early form of soybeans, boiled a bit and seasoned with salt and pepper.   I much prefer a potato, peeled, deep fried and salted....with dip. Hey, it's a vegetable!!! Anyway, our little beanie baby enjoy the adventure and we learned about a new food...if she actually tries it, she gets a star on her chart which will eventually get her a prize.  Now, back to our lack of ingress to the inlet.   Lee had earlier mowed us a path with his tractor but with the recent rain and was more than our golf cart wanted to tackle.  When Papa got home, he headed back to mow us a fresh path to our picnic spot.  As most anytime Papa gets on his tractor, he mowed...a lot!  under the tree stands and along the ditch....All of the sudden he was coming up the driveway at a pretty good clip for the ole Farmall. In the house he came, tore off his shirt while squishing bees inside it!  Not pretty... Damn yellow jackets couldn't take a joke and obviously didn't want their nest mowed.  They struck back.....and front and arms and head!
 Jess carries Benadryl with her (in the back of her ambulance -jk) so we gave him a couple doses of children's Benadryl and sent him to the shower.  Only then did we question if it was ok to medicate him and hoped he'd have no bad  interaction with his heart meds...All was well, he didn't wake up dead!  He did however; wake up itching randomly throughout the night.  I checked with our resident pharmacist, Suzanne, and all is well..... We're not poisoning him.  Where he can reach is swollen and itches but some clear, Benadryl lotion is helping a bit.  Thanks Papa for sacrificing for our picnic spot....You're always taking one for the team!

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