Wednesday, August 31, 2011

A "Fair" visit w/ Grandma

Jess, Bailee and I went over to see Great Grandma this morning.  The "girls" were all in the activity room/dining room playing a puzzle game on the white board. Bailee had fun and knew all the answers.  They chose letters and then tried to figure out the answer...just like Wheel of Fortune minus the wheel :-)  The answer was cotton candy !!! and Bailee knew before all the rest. Then they talked about the State Fair from it's beginnings in the 1800's to now.... The first fair was held in Syracuse too and then they tried other cities like Buffalo and Albany and NYC but Syracuse was in the center of the state so ......there it ended up... One of our neighbors from Locke is moving to Walden Place soon, Shirley VanNest.  Mom thought the last name sounded familiar :-)

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