Wednesday, August 24, 2011

One more thing!

OK... we're adding to our craziness.  On top of Lee's ailments in the past week, yesterday we "felt" an Earthquake!!!  WTH... It was a 5.8 and was centered in Virginia.  It was felt from Georgia all the way up the eastern seaboard to Canada.  I tend to stumble throughout the day so I'm not sure if I really felt it or just thought I did. I will use it however, to explain my bookcase clutter.
I'm heading out on a short road trip this morning.....all the way to Endwell (near Binghamton) to have lunch with some old friends. I've joined the crew once before and am looking forward to today's visit with Cindy Johnston Brigagliano and the gals.
Lee survived a short medicine tutorial last night. Tonight we'll discuss clothing :-) I hope Jeffrey has the patience to get through this adventure with his Dad :-)
Hurricane Irene is still threatening the U.S. with landfall in New England this week-end and possibly skirting the islands off the coast of N.C first.  Still not sure if we should be blaming Mother Nature or Global Warming...or are they the same thing??

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