Monday, August 8, 2011

Aaahhh... Monday

I love Mondays!!!  Even rainy ones and lately, especially rainy ones.  Our lawn is finally looking green again. We mowed yesterday for the first time in more than 2 weeks.  The blue bells have been whacked and the brown is disappearing.  Nothing uglier than a brown lawn UNLESS it's one of these IN YOUR BED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! We have had these little wormy things around for 2 summers now.  Last year they were more dangly and wound their way down from the trees... This year they appear, by the 100's, every morning.  They're about 3/4 to an inch long and usually you can see one about the size of an earthworm somewhere in the vicinity.  One of the  biggies was actually crawling across the hardwood floor the other night.  Thankfully, I spotted it slithering along before I stepped on it w/ my bare feet!!!!! I gave him a proper "burial at sea!"  I had only seen a couple in the house. They seem to only live a day or so then curl up and die...Lee sprays every few days and I blow off the patios every day and there are 100's.  They're beginning to look like mulch under our vegetables and flowers.  Lee asked this morning if I was now ready to call the exterminator....You betcha....there's only room for one wiggler in my bed!!!!?????

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