Monday, August 29, 2011

The Alaskan Adventure

Lee and Jeff arrived safely and exhausted.  Much too long a trip for one day.  Spent a couple of days touring around Anchorage and headed to Homer yesterday. They're out on the Homer Spit (the skinny, little peninsula you see in the photo) and are fishing for halibut this morning.  I'm hoping they don't get sick...I sent Dramamine!!!  They had a great ride down the coast. They saw Beluga whales on one side of the road and mountain goats standing on the snow capped mountains on the other.  They even went to the Anchorage Zoo on their first day. I can't even get Lee to the Syracuse Zoo!!!!  Train tracks also follow the coast so they got ahead of a train and Jeff ran and put a dime on the tracks.... I told him we did that for years when the train ran 25 feet behind our lake house... They have a car for a week and will then take the train to Denali to see the sites there. I'm assuming a sight-seeing boat will show them the glaciers sometime too.  I'm hoping the weather holds for them. They said it's actually getting a bit dark at night but only for a few hours. It sounds like they're enjoying their adventure so far....♥

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