Friday, August 19, 2011

Happy Flying

National Aviation Day is today!!  

 Although my love of flying isn't what it used to be, many of my family still thrive with and for it.  Next week, Jeff will have been with US Airways for 12 years... That seems weird as I think he barely is12 years old......albeit, he's almost 33...where did those 3 decades go? My Uncle Jack (Tice) was a pilot his whole life....He owned his own crop dusting business and flew a dangerous mission each time his wheels left the ground. My secretarial and business skills (what there are of them) were honed while I worked at Empire Aero Services in Skaneateles. I loved that job and ended up dating the flight instructor and flying in small planes to various destinations....The only way to go!! For all those wondering...The Mile High Club is an awesome organization!!!  My cousin Jack is a medivac nurse and flies daily in helicopters all over Illinois.  The apple didn't fall far from the tree as his son, Jeff (and coincidentally he has a daughter, Jessica) is preparing for his private pilots license as I type....or actually has maybe gotten his wings already.  My Mom, God Bless her, thinks we're at the airport every time we visit the doctor.  As I've mentioned before, I think it's the placement and design of the seating... Oh well, each trip there is an adventure and I'm never sure if we're picking someone up from the airport or heading out for places unknown.....Nonetheless, today's the day to
celebrate everything related to aviation and airplanes. National Aviation Day was established in 1939 to be celebrated on the anniversary of Orville Wright’s birth date, August 19, 1871, to honor the accomplishments of the Wright brothers and other aviation pioneers.
On December 17, 1903, Wilbur and Orville Wright were able to launch their handmade airplane at Kitty Hawk, North Carolina. They watched it fly for 12 seconds and a total distance of 120 feet.  As I'm finishing the end of my 6th decade on earth.... that's about as far as I wish to fly ...period!! 

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