Monday, August 1, 2011

One more in the books

Well, we made it through that year.  A year ago, we all celebrated the fact that Lee had successfully made it through 6 decades.  I'm not sure his folks would have put any money on that when he was in his teens.  His 61st year began well. (I know he turned 60 but that meant he had completed his 60th year on earth.  You don't have your first birthday until you've completed your first year)  His 61st year ended well!  The middle was a little tenuous.  We've adjusted to 6 meds a day, less red meat, less real butter,  no salt and NO SMOKING!!!!  With all those changes, came no more coughing, no more snoring, the ability to taste, a few more pounds, way better cholesterol and a new appreciation for life.  There's no more talk of "I don't have birthdays anymore" or we stopped counting after 60!". We celebrate EVERY SINGLE ONE.... presents, sweets, balloons, good food... the whole nine yards!

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