Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Hair Dooty

I have a new hairdresser!  She's not quite 5, about 4 feet tall and has to actually sit IN the chair with me to style my locks.  "Scooch up Grandma so I can give you a fabulous hair dooty!!"  Not a hair-do (I asked)... but a hair dooty.."with a T.  She has a little hair pretty zip bag that holds a variety of hair ties and a comb.  She'd like it if I could get her a brush and a spray bottle from the dollar store.  The spray bottle will get rid of the knots! Getting rid of the knots would be a very good thing!!! believe me...I try to be a good client and not scream in pain.... Yesterday we practiced the pony tail and how to actually transfer the hair from one hand to the other and slide on the hair pretty... One more "appointment" and I think we'll have it!  Upon finishing yesterday, she took one last look at her handiwork and exclaimed, "it looks fabulous but I'm not sure about the white part!"... I was going to explain that the white part was caused exclusively by her mother but thought that might be another story for another day (appointment).. by the way.. I'm a pretty good tipper!!!

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