Thursday, March 1, 2012


I'm not sure if it doesn't take much to excite me or if I don't get excited about much.... I have some good arguments for either debate....This morning......I am excited!!! Jess stopped up and said get your binoculars and look across the road... There in all it's glory (literally) was a bald eagle snacking on a dead deer. Now you all know how I've grown fond of my feathered friends.  I waited patiently to see a pileated woodpecker and finally was rewarded with one at my feeder no less. I've tried to lure Baltimore orioles here, but to no avail I thought until this fall, when the leaves fell, I saw a nest very close to the house...maybe this year I'll get a peek. I couldn't wait to see an indigo bunting and was treated to a visit last year too.  But never in my wildest dreams did I imagine that I'd see a bald eagle and so very close to home.  I've seen the nests in Montezuma atop the electric poles and I've seen pictures of them from Lee's Alaskan adventure but never actually here!!!  The rest of the day will be shot.... I'll be looking out the window, binoculars in hand, hoping he comes back...or maybe it's a she. I'll have to get out the bird books and google "eagles".  Either way maybe, just maybe, it'll decide to nest down by the inlet... what a treat that would be! So for today, I'm a happy bird watcher.... I now know how those at NASA felt when they shouted, "The Eagle Has Landed!!"

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