Friday, March 16, 2012

March Madness +

Thank goodness for March basketball.  I, like little Max from yesterday, run a little "not for profit pool" too.  I do it so it keeps me interested in all the games even if my favorite teams get blown out early. Yesterday was about as close to that as you can get without actually boarding the bus.  Only Syracuse could almost be the first # 1 seed to lose to a #16... and if it weren't for blown calls, that's exactly what would have happened.  I declared that my new favorite animal was the zebra!!! (One friend posted on FB.."OMG, you have one of those in your yard too?"  Obviously not a BB fan or at least familiar with BB jargon but she has a great sense of humor.)  Another comical pal knew my enthusiasm for the brackets and sent me this analogy. He tries to make me understand the nuances of his politics any way he can:-)
I did enjoy it as there was also an eagle on the headline banner. BTW, one of the eagles decided to perch on my side of the road yesterday. I think he could see the game on my TV better...especially with his eagle eye.  I'm clearing a limb side seat for him tomorrow too:-)

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