Friday, March 2, 2012

Everything is SAFE and sound!

Today I cleaned and sorted the safe.  It was right up there with sorting photos... you open the envelopes, read through the contents, reminisce, shed a tear and have a laugh.  What should have taken an hour or so turned into an all day affair. Everybody should take the time and make sure you have your legal affairs in, so , so important. My Grandpa always said, "I'd rather be ready and not go than to go and not be ready!"  If you're sick, or in an accident or unexpectedly leave this world, those left behind will be devastated and in no frame of mind to search for your legal papers and wonder about your wishes. ( I speak from experience) You're never too young to get your ducks in a row.  Someone in your family should know where your papers are kept and be able to access them... albeit a safe, a safe deposit box or or a fire safe box.  You should have a will, a health care proxy and a living will.  If you own stocks, TOD's (transfer on death forms) are a valuable asset in the intricacies of stock transfers.  Also, it's a really good idea to have a document of your wishes....your funeral home of choice, calling hours or not, funeral or not, music of choice, where contributions should go.....this is your send-off....keep it that way.. it's pretty tough to read your mind alive..and really tough when you're dead:-) 
                                   Be a Scout... Be prepared:-)

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