Thursday, March 22, 2012


Holy "Never a dull moment!"  Jess and I arrived at the hospital to a Code Green... Thought it was a drill but it appeared there was a tornado warning and the hospital was under the "head between the knees and kiss your ass good bye" code.  It was thankfully lifted shortly after we arrived as I knew my chances of ending up in Oz were way better than getting my head in any proximity of my ass!  Calm was returned when the Code White was given. When Mom was moved to her bed on Monday night, she hadn't been settled for more than 10 minutes when the loudspeakers were announcing a Code Blue from 3 South.... we were on 3 South!!! Seems a street clothed patient had disappeared...hmmm good start to our stay.  They found him before he escaped.  This morning,we were anticipating a possible Code Brown or Code Yellow when we arrived and Mom was undepended. Jess remedied that and all was well.  It was a good morning with a relatively good report from the Doctor.  It appears that Mom will be staying through the week-end. Believe me, she's the only one who's wants to be there. The gal in the next bed was readying to remove her own IV and leave the building, the fellow in the next room was ranting about being placed in "this institution without being consulted" and he was "getting the @#*% out whether anyone liked it or not!" Inversely, The Dr. told Mom she'd be there a few more days and she replied, "Only two?"  We left on a Code Happy!

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