Thursday, March 8, 2012

Too soon :-(

For many years, six of seven mornings a week I would spend breakfast time with my Dad (and others). Sundays were for breakfast with Lee or racing or church...OK.....maybe not church but everybody has their pew in a different place.  (I like that quote: Being in church doesn't make me a Christian any more than being in a garage makes me a car.) Anyway, I digress, as usual... As the mornings rolled by, some days Dad would stroll in more and more somber. He would sadly announce that one of his classmates, or golf pals or businesss associates had passed away. Each time reflecting, sometimes verbally and sometimes silently, his own mortality and his chronological place in life. It made me sad to see him sad but I hardly knew the impact of his sadness...........until recently.  I seem, too often, to find myself somberly sitting down at the breakfast table sadly remarking about a classmate, a customer or a friend being ill and/or passing away. I don't like it one bit!  This morning, news of another friend leaving way too soon.  When is it not too soon?  It's 24 days till 60! (but who's counting?!) I have much to be grateful for...Mom's in a safe place and happy, a great partner, wonderful kids, an amazing Bailee Brown, awesome friends, a beautiful home in a place I can't get enough of and still I want more...... more of it all!  I've become a greedy, old broad...............too soon! :-)

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