Monday, April 30, 2012

Over the river and through the WOODS

Yesterday was a woodsy kind of day.  It began with tons of sunshine and some picture taking...shocker!  This was actually the professional kind.  Bailee donned her farmer attire and photos commenced at the chicken house.....we moved on to the tractor, the pitcher pump, the woods and then returned for a "costume" change.  The transformation from farmer to fairy was effortless.... a pair of wings, some antennae and she looked tu tu cute!  After some action shots we travelled to Lansing for the Woodland Fairy Buffet.............yum!!Whether you were glittered in pixie dust or not, it was perfectly enchanting.  During part of our photo shoot, we discovered that our hills were alive with fiddleheads.  Before last week, they would have merely been an interesting looking weed.  I read an article about the wonderful seasonal delicacy of fiddleheads....and low and behold they were right in our own backyard. Upon returning from the buffet, Jess ventured out to collect our new found greens for supper and sharing.  She may have gotten into the pixie dust as she seemed to want to fly....As she was fiddling around, a log crumbled and she came rolling down the hill.... It made my day way more than hers!!!  Long story short... we had fiddleheads for supper.....end of the story...there will be plenty for all those fiddlehead fanatics next they will not be appearing in our woodland buffet anytime soon..... or ever again...Not everything green is good!

Love the trillium though!!!!  just not for supper:-)

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