Tuesday, May 1, 2012

May Day

May Day signifies the middle of the time from the beginning of spring until the beginning of summer. Ancient spring rites that related human fertility to crop fertility gave birth to most modern May Day festivities. May 1st  is the traditional day to crown the May queen, dance around the maypole, perform mummers’ plays, and generally celebrate the return of spring.  May Day is always nostalgic for me.  As a child, like 50 years ago:-o....I would eagerly wait for the back doorbell to ring.  I'd watch out my upstairs window and see my friend, Lee (not the present day Lee) hightailing it back across Main Street.  I'd give him time to get out of sight before I'd open the door and retrieve my May basket.  It always held freshly picked flowers of the season...tulips, daffodils and/or hyacinths.  I was never sure if his Mom's garden had been raided or some neighbors along the way.  I didn't really care because the flowers were now mine!.. I remember learning about the May Pole traditions but had never actually seen one until a few years ago.  The family that now resides in the old O'Connell farm (where my very first love was raised) had erected a pole and celebrated right there in their front yard. Quite a festive sight for sure.
May was always the best month for starting your tan. My friend Sharon used to sit on her patio with a foil, sun reflector and begin browning.  I thought that was so cool....now I look like an alligator purse but 40 years ago, I glowed.... What a difference 4 decades make!!!
Today is Bailee's snack day and she'll be sharing the "dirt dessert May baskets" we made last night. Amazing what you can do with a cup, pudding, crumbled oreos, gummy worms and flowers....(picture to follow later).
A little rainy right now but sunshine to end the day and top off another wonderful May Day!!   and btw L.R., where's my May basket?   You're just down the road :-)

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