Wednesday, April 4, 2012

tying up loose ends

One again, Jess is in Cortland on Grandma duty.  She is my soldier of mercy:-)  Today is detail day.  Tying up loose ends!Glasses still a no show so the hospital staff did one last room sweep and they are filing a report.  I called her eye Dr. to order a new pair, in a frame I don't need to pick out and easy enough for me to adjust as she won't be physically visiting the office. The gal I must speak with, Cinnamon was unavailable (probably making rolls) and would call me back. (Really, who names their Caucasian baby daughter Cinnamon?) When I asked the hospital staff who I was to send the glasses receipt to for reimbursement.... there was dead silence on the other end of the line.... Guess they'd never been asked that before....Chances are if they don't respond quickly, they'll be asked again!
Hoping to get to GNF (Groton Nursing Facility.. short for all future blogs) this afternoon to set up Mom's new room... I'm actually quite excited... I hope all goes as planned!
Hit the new Dollar General this morning.  very bright, roomy and all new brooms sweep. We'll see if it stays that way...It seems that Moravia is becoming a bit of a boom town.. Hearing rumors of Dunkin Donuts across from the Elem. School. Also, they're working on the new bar/restaurant in the old Main Street firehouse, a new burger joint in the old Deli and maybe a change of venue for the pizza shop.  I know, I sound like the Republican Register.... hmmm Republican... now there's a blog for another day!

P.S. I'm thinking about walking in the Alzheimer's Walk... I made myself a note to:
             Sign Up Now, Before You Forget...... I think that's a pretty good slogan for  Alheizmer's Assoc. activities. Maybe I'll suggest it:-)

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