Tuesday, July 23, 2013


The dictionary says purging is the act of removing by cleansing..as to purge or rid a sin.  My laundry room/pantry was indeed a sin.  In 5 short years, it looked like I could be a mark on "Hoarders!"  I lay part of the blame to my Mother. I know that's bad!  When we emptied her house after 55 years, there were many things I just couldn't make myself part with.  The old battered silver bowls we'd eat popcorn from while watching Ed Sullivan, the cute little round soup spoons that Dad used every Saturday when he had soup with his "Buzzy burger," both old fashioned meat grinders that screwed to the counter top to make roast beef hash, almost anything silver, (plated or sterling) and every single piece of good "silverware" whether or not it matched anything else.....  Some of the items I can attribute to TV.  I needed a George Foreman grill.  I needed a juicer and I needed a quesadilla maker....NOT!  I'm pretty sure I didn't need to save the last 7 napkins from any and every birthday or Christmas gathering and I'm fairly certain that 14 baskets are unnecessary. 
Contrary to Hoarders, I have yet to find any dead animals or (un)edible food!  I have placed several items on a local virtual yard sale site.  I've had one taker for one item.  I will be patient until the end of the day and tomorrow will be Thrift Shop drop off.  There are a couple of items that I know I will reclaim but if I purge myself of at least the George Foreman sin, I will be one step closer to redemption....Pray for me!

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