Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Hot Hot Hot:-)

Our hot tub is home!  It arrived this morning and has been calling my name for an hour... I still don't have a name for it yet but you know I will... I'll have to see how it treats me and put out feelers for just the right moniker.  Bailee wore her bathing suit to Rec just so she wouldn't have to take the time to change when she got here.  My hips are begging for the warmth but the rest of me is pleading for a cool, refreshing dip.  I guess if I tried it out while it's heating, I could have the best of both worlds.
On the down side of today. Jess was unable to secure a seat on this morning's flight to Charlotte.  She was there and waiting but all flights (nonstop) were overbooked....Crap... Now Jeff will be driving home all alone awfully long trip to drive by yourself.  I tell him to pay attention, stay

Ignore the price...I'm a much better negotiator!
off the phone and tend to his driving and then I call hourly to make sure he's OK... Silly Mom!  Tomorrow will be a day of fretting....and I do it so well:-) I will miss out on my one on one night with Miss B too....but we'll have lots of fun the next few days with birthdays, reunions and Jeff!

For anyone who has a few spare prayers in their pocket, please send one upward for my dear, sweet friend Andrea.  She's in surgery as I type.  That nasty big C is back and we need to send it on it's way (again) so she can watch her beautiful Fia go to school, have her first date, turn sweet 16, graduate, marry and have beautiful little Fias of her own....It'll happen but a few extra prayers never hurt!!!!

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