Tuesday, July 2, 2013

A New Day!

Whew..I made it through yesterday!  As you probably assumed, I was not the happiest of campers.  Today is a new day....Tuesday Booze Day as Kathie Lee and Hoda like to proclaim.  I concur. I so wish I liked wine but vodka will suffice.  I think it's actually the tomato juice, horseradish, salt and lemon I enjoy. I would undoubtedly be a good candidate for placebo testing groups.  I could probably get equally as tipsy without the alcohol....and feel a bit of euphoria too. Kind of like just having the cigarette in your hand but not actually smoking it.  On the other hand, maybe not.... I couldn't just hold the Hershey bar and not really eat it...there goes that theory.  Thankfully at my age I can eat or drink whatever I choose whenever I choose to.  I knew 60+ had a silver lining somewhere (beside my hair and teeth!)
Today's lesson is definitely that tomorrow will be better...or at least a change from today. Some problems will be gone and others will sneak in.  The ones that seemed huge yesterday are a mere blip on the radar today.  There are so many with bigger battles to fight and each day I am overwhelmed with the strength of each one. I am inspired by their courage, their attitudes and their amazing faith!
So, today's a good day and tomorrow will be better.  And if I think not when tomorrow gets here, there's always the next day, a new day!

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