Monday, July 22, 2013

Drama Club

In high school, I enjoyed what limited sports we had (pre Title 9.)  I loved cheerleading and even intramurals.  I was editor of our yearbook and enjoyed the FHA... (not the federal loan thieves) the Future Homemakers of America.  I sang (loudly and proudly) in the chorus and even made a awkward attempt at band and the clarinet (until the reed got caught in my braces....really!!)  What never really interested me was the Drama Club.  Now, here I am nearly 50 years later and I seem to be a member of a giant drama club right here on Face Book floating around the World Wide Web. A native Moravian started an open group called the Moravia Dump.  Not accusing our fine neighborhood as unkempt but rather providing a venue to "gather" and reminisce about people, places and things. For the most part, conversations have been interesting and often entertaining.  Last night, one got a bit out of hand.  I heard through the grapevine that facts were erroneous, focuses were twisted and mud was slung.  Of course, I checked it out.  Wow, how (and who) do you scold a group of adults?  Long story short, there were a few, unexpected level heads who tried to corral the posse before any hangings occurred. I think we've all been exposed to the hazards of social media and bullying.  This page was never intended to malign or judge or condemn anyone.  Humans have an innate tendency to open their mouths before engaging their brains... Believe me, I speak from experience.  The governor on my mouth (or typing hands in this case) has often malfunctioned at the most inopportune times.  Here's what I learned from this unfortunate exchange:

  • Think before you speak (or type)
  • Remember that what you say (or type) may come back to haunt some unexpected places
  • Treat everything and everyone in social media as you wish to be treated
  • If you're not sure of the facts, keep your mouth closed and your fingers idle
  • As my Grandpa always preached..."If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all!!"
  • You have No idea what other's journeys have been like or what their tribulations presently are.
  • If you're wide awake at night, read a book, write a list of things to do, put a pen to paper and write an old fashioned letter to someone you've missed or sip a glass of wine or cup of tea.  AND
  • Never, ever engage in a online pissing match with a skunk (s).

1 comment:

  1. Pulled myself off the "Moravia Dump" FB page a few weeks ago. It was truly disheartening to see how mean people were getting towards each other. Of course, it's always easier being mean hiding behind a computer screen than in person! When did people become so mean and judgemental towards their fellow neighbor? It's a disgrace...
