Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Birthday Buzz

The buzz today is birthdays, birthdays, birthdays!!!!! Some of the best folks entered the world on July 31st.  My Dad in 1920, Lee in 1950 and my Uncle Randy. Not sure when Uncle Randy was born but I think a year or two before Dad....I'll check it out on my cemetery visit later today.  Thankfully, one of these birthdays we can celebrate right here on earth. Lee's cake tonight may resemble a porcupine as it's small and we're adding all SIXTY-THREE candles!   We figured we'd better have a cake as he hasn't been good enough this year to have earned gifts.  He started smoking again and for that there are NO rewards.  It's tough living in this household....just ask Bailee about her trip to Disney...oh, you can't cuz Grumpy Grandma cancelled it after a little bathroom less:-)  Hey, if nothing else....When Grandma talks....everybody listens....even if they don't like what they hear!!!

         Happy Birthday Lee, Dad, Uncle Randy, Gene Ward, Cody Gaston, Cindy Dickenson and all of those wonderful souls that share today's BIRTH day:-)

Tuesday, July 30, 2013


The greatest sales gimmick in the world: Catalogs.  The post office must hate me, my desk must hate me, my bank account certainly hates me (it even briefly turned red yesterday:( and I'm pretty sure birds must hate me for the trees that have been sacrificed for catalogs!  The only ones who don't hate me are those who reap the rewards (and gifts) from the "must have" items I purchase from those very same catalogs. I've made a new rule: When the pile gets above 2 feet (and yes, I measure) I will go through them and discard some.  Sometimes it's only a couple but it does reduce the pile to under 24 inches.  Sometimes I never even knew I needed the items before I saw them in the catalog!!  The time for the catalog rush is beginning.  This morning I had 7 in my mail box. I promptly threw TWO in the post office trash bin (shhh..they were duplicates) and determined that I would undoubtedly need something in the other five.  I was right!  It's time for back to school, Halloween, birthday, birthday party planning (2 this year) and then of course, the granddaddy of all holidays, Christmas.  We've determined themes for birthdays so I can start my search for the perfect décor, I have already received some "I wants" for Christmas...and these were from the 30+ age group:-)  My favorite season of all is Fall and the decoration ideas are literally FALLing into my head.  I can't wait until it's time to change the mantle and ready it for back to school.  I'm thinking apples and rulers and crayons and buses but who knows what will end up living there until leaves fall.
I have some favorites:  Grandin Road, Lamps Plus, Birthday Express, Bronners, Ballard Designs, Thirty-One, Young Explorers and MacKenzie Childs.... ...............oh heck....all of them I guess!   It IS getting time to purge the pile........ no worries though, we have 6 inches to go:-)

Monday, July 29, 2013

I love Nature!

Loving nature seems to be a thing around here lately.  Bailee has chosen that theme for her family birthday gig in November, their new playroom at home will be decorated with trees, clouds, bugs (fake) and all kinds of things that shout "outside!" and this week is the annual nature Summerhill.  This morning, my breakfast pal asked, full well knowing the answer, if I was heading to the festival this week.  The Renaissance Festival, the Jazz Fest, the Antique Fest???? Nope, the Nature Festival at our very own Empire Haven Nudist Camp.  He gave me the article to read maybe hoping to peak my interest.  With all the festivities planned, I can BAREly stay away.  Missing the hula hoop contest will break my heart, I've always wanted to learn how to juggle and missing the fashion show (WTF) will instill total disappointment.  Add to that a free skin cancer check (that's a lot of skin to check) and I can HARDly imagine staying away! With over 300 attending from all over the eastern US, the Kodak moments would be more than I could physically "bare" (there I go again...half cocked!)  In 61 years, I have visited Empire Haven a "handful" (and most weren't) of times.  Once we ventured up for a pancake breakfast.  In the dining room, covered bottoms were required....covered tops (although many hung to the bottom) were not!  You placed your order at the inside window and gave your first name.  They would call you when it was ready.  The very first order announced was, "Dick"......of course it was... Believe me, I couldn't make this up.  I very nearly peed my pants.  After breakfast, we were given a tour of the facility... our guides were unshamelessly undressed.  We waited for our turn to tour on the benches surrounding the pool.  We were soon greeted by our guide.  We were sitting, he was standing...eye level wasn't pretty....I've seen bigger Vienna sausages...  By the end of our visit, my stomach muscles were so constricted from holding in huge belly laughs you could have bounced a quarter off them.... first and last time ever..  Needless to say, we declined the membership papers but assured them we would pass along the virtues of nudism and the amazing opportunities that Empire Haven provides it's campers. We have been telling the tales ever since....

Friday, July 26, 2013

Aunts and Uncles

Today is Aunts and Uncles Day...... the cards and good wishes are pouring in....not!  Regardless of my role as Aunt...which I think I perform (generally) pretty well, it's sad for me to realize I have but one living Aunt...and she lives in Georgia now.  Our family is relatively small!  I had 3 uncles and 3 aunts who were related by the gene pool. Thankfully none came from the shallow end and all, especially my uncles, were pretty cool.  I have special memories from each of them♥  I also had several aunts and uncles who were relatives but scattered throughout different limbs of our family tree. They were great as well but I will remember them as always being old.  I think that many of my favorite uncles weren't really uncles at all but closer than most family.  The "Hewitt" women were never known for their "fuzziness!" The "Hewitt" men were pretty cool but my uncles by love and association really rocked. Two were extra special and I think I've extolled their virtues in the uncle department before.....but they bear remembering again and again.  They would be my Uncle Dick (White) and my Uncle Lou (Ettinger!)  Uncle Dick was my Dad's very best friend.  They lived in Cooperstown but Uncle Dick grew up in Kelloggsville.  His Dad was the head of the welfare department in the county and one of his sister's was our high school librarian and the Mom of one of my besties!  The fourth of July was my favorite with Uncle Dick. While Mom was preparing fried green tomatoes for breakfast on the screened in porch, Uncle Dick would take me out in the boat to shoot off Independence morning fire crackers.  I can picture it as if it were yesterday......and it was over 50 years ago!  My Uncle Lou was the best host in the entire world.  He had a cabin cruiser..............on Owasco Lake.  When we would go for rides, it was like being on the Queen Mary...there was a kitchen and a bathroom.............on a!  Back at his beautiful home on the lake was a bar where there was actually soda (we called it "pop" back then) on tap.  I remember him asking one day what I'd like to drink. I said "root beer!"  Sorry there was no root beer BUT the very next visit he asked, "Would you like an ice cold mug of root beer?"....That's just the kind of uncle he was.....root beer was on tap!
So, as with any family, blood is merely what you have in your's what you have in your heart that makes love (and family)......especially if it's firecrackers and root beer!!!♥♥

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Dad the Grad

While perusing boxes of hastily sorted pictures and memorabilia, I came across some cool things... at least cool for me... I may be just one of one who really gives a hoot but here they are. His yearbook just confirmed what I always knew, he had a great sense of humor and hopefully this is one trait I acquired, along with his shitty eyesight which I curse him for daily...Braille is difficult to learn :-( Remember how we always had the most popular, best athlete, most likely to succeed etc. section? They also did so way back 75 years ago. Dad was mentioned in a few categories:  Best Looking Boy...nope, not Dad but... under "Thinks so" - Gordon Hewitt.  Now that's funny...I'd don't care who you are. He looked pretty much like Alfalfa with curly hair and glasses. Best Politician - Gordon Hewitt, Biggest Apple Polisher - Yep, Gordon Hewitt and finally the most perplexing to me, Most Conceited - Gordon Hewitt !  They blew that one big time... Probably the least ego plagued man I ever knew!  The "Prophecy" was written by Majorie Bodine as a vacation return to Moravia 10 years later (1948). Before leaving town, she "discovered that Gordon Hewitt was also living here and had a fine office in the bank building where he had commenced his lawyer's practice (her spelling, not mine). Realizing I couldn't go home without seeing an old friend, I made a short stop at his office. Business had progressed to an extent that a secretary was none other than Julienne Kneedler. She had graduated from CCBI in Syracuse and was drawing a good salary from Mr. Hewitt. While I was still there, Naomi Ely came in, and I had wondered vaguely what had taken place with her during my absence. Upon leaving, Mr. Hewitt confided to me that Naomi was applying for her another divorce. She had married twice but still was not satisfied."   The class of '38 all had a sense of humor!!  Gordon Hewitt was also the sports editor of MO-HI-SKL, their version of our Echoes!  This is much more the GLH who came to "be"than a stuffy old lawyer:-)  Dad loved baseball and basketball...There's a line from their sports pages that says: 
In the finals, Moravia opposed Sherwood, the league winners....... Moravia was again "on" and led comfortable until the end of the 4th quarter when Sherwood pulled up to tie 23-23. "Buzz" Hewitt tossed a high arching shot through the meshes to make Moravia the County Champions.  OK....goosebumps:-)

Dad's 1938 Yearbook

Dad's Graduation diploma cover- The cover was dark blue suede lined in satin....

The newspaper announcement of Dad being Valedictorian extolled his virtues as participating in basketball, baseball, class leadership roles, orchestra, band and member of the Blue and White school newspaper. His fellow salutatorian was Julia "Ruth" Denman.  Wow, I thought she was always 80;-)

Finally, His Valedictorian speech♥ which I think I will cherish.  The original is typed on his first (and probably only as a young man) typewriter. He professed, even at 17 how difficult it was going to be to hard say good bye to so many who had become "very dear friends."  He was sure that their time together as classmates were "very happy ones that made us as classmates, a little nearer and dearer to one another than mere friends!"

Yep, that's my Dad♥

Tuesday, July 23, 2013


The dictionary says purging is the act of removing by to purge or rid a sin.  My laundry room/pantry was indeed a sin.  In 5 short years, it looked like I could be a mark on "Hoarders!"  I lay part of the blame to my Mother. I know that's bad!  When we emptied her house after 55 years, there were many things I just couldn't make myself part with.  The old battered silver bowls we'd eat popcorn from while watching Ed Sullivan, the cute little round soup spoons that Dad used every Saturday when he had soup with his "Buzzy burger," both old fashioned meat grinders that screwed to the counter top to make roast beef hash, almost anything silver, (plated or sterling) and every single piece of good "silverware" whether or not it matched anything else.....  Some of the items I can attribute to TV.  I needed a George Foreman grill.  I needed a juicer and I needed a quesadilla maker....NOT!  I'm pretty sure I didn't need to save the last 7 napkins from any and every birthday or Christmas gathering and I'm fairly certain that 14 baskets are unnecessary. 
Contrary to Hoarders, I have yet to find any dead animals or (un)edible food!  I have placed several items on a local virtual yard sale site.  I've had one taker for one item.  I will be patient until the end of the day and tomorrow will be Thrift Shop drop off.  There are a couple of items that I know I will reclaim but if I purge myself of at least the George Foreman sin, I will be one step closer to redemption....Pray for me!

Monday, July 22, 2013

Drama Club

In high school, I enjoyed what limited sports we had (pre Title 9.)  I loved cheerleading and even intramurals.  I was editor of our yearbook and enjoyed the FHA... (not the federal loan thieves) the Future Homemakers of America.  I sang (loudly and proudly) in the chorus and even made a awkward attempt at band and the clarinet (until the reed got caught in my braces....really!!)  What never really interested me was the Drama Club.  Now, here I am nearly 50 years later and I seem to be a member of a giant drama club right here on Face Book floating around the World Wide Web. A native Moravian started an open group called the Moravia Dump.  Not accusing our fine neighborhood as unkempt but rather providing a venue to "gather" and reminisce about people, places and things. For the most part, conversations have been interesting and often entertaining.  Last night, one got a bit out of hand.  I heard through the grapevine that facts were erroneous, focuses were twisted and mud was slung.  Of course, I checked it out.  Wow, how (and who) do you scold a group of adults?  Long story short, there were a few, unexpected level heads who tried to corral the posse before any hangings occurred. I think we've all been exposed to the hazards of social media and bullying.  This page was never intended to malign or judge or condemn anyone.  Humans have an innate tendency to open their mouths before engaging their brains... Believe me, I speak from experience.  The governor on my mouth (or typing hands in this case) has often malfunctioned at the most inopportune times.  Here's what I learned from this unfortunate exchange:

  • Think before you speak (or type)
  • Remember that what you say (or type) may come back to haunt some unexpected places
  • Treat everything and everyone in social media as you wish to be treated
  • If you're not sure of the facts, keep your mouth closed and your fingers idle
  • As my Grandpa always preached..."If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all!!"
  • You have No idea what other's journeys have been like or what their tribulations presently are.
  • If you're wide awake at night, read a book, write a list of things to do, put a pen to paper and write an old fashioned letter to someone you've missed or sip a glass of wine or cup of tea.  AND
  • Never, ever engage in a online pissing match with a skunk (s).

Friday, July 19, 2013

Oh Happy Day

Thirty eight years ago we marched across the grass, over the bridge and onto the point (of no return!)  Lots of fun went into this day.  We ran the well dry @ Overbrook watering the grass,. We reinforced the basement walls to support the crowd of people that never went inside, we begged the neighbor to allow parking on his adjacent, empty, overgrown lot, we were the very first wedding ever performed by Rev. Dave Borthwick and he actually wrote the ceremony for his thesis, we had a lovely reception at the Cork and Fork (Fillmore Golf Course) where I was actually kidnapped by a small group of close, male friends..(while Lee was (wo)manhandled by their female counterparts), we spent a bit of time at Glenview while my parents were entertaining our guests on the hill and we stopped at my grandfather's house each exiting in separate cars as he vociferously explained that he knew it wouldn't last!!!  Well Gramp, his hair eventually all fell out, my butt expanded beyond size 12 and a few other numbers, we raised two pretty, cool kids, we have an amazing granddaughter (much like the one you had), we lived in and loved the house you built for 32 years, we built a beautiful new home (still in the area), we never went broke, I have honored my Mother and Father as you always professed and we have managed to stay together (legally) for 38 years and illegally for the 3 preceding that!!!  Thanks to you, I still hate cigars though and will allow no one to smoke in my car, my home or anywhere around me. I continue extol the virtues of cloth napkins and manners and we have exorcised the notion that old Grandpas are always grumpy!!
                               Happy Anniversary to my favorite old grandpa, Leroy....hmmmm....isn't that interesting that his nickname is Leroy too!!!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Hot people

Hot people.....not like J-Lo or Beyonce' or Brad Pitt and likes....I mean HOT people... like me.  Hot, old, fat people like me.  For those of you who are blessed with "small bones" (always been my favorite excuse) and a high metabolism who have absolutely no idea what it's like to be plus sized in a heat wave, I'll explain.  When it is excessively hot I transform into an extremely hot, bitchy,short tempered, fire breathing mom.  Granted it's a short trip from my usual self but nonetheless, it's not pretty.  If it wasn't bad enough that my sixties  (and a hysterectomy) have blessed me with a mustache, now it's a sweaty,wet one. Not a pretty picture....... Any items of clothing stick to my body like duct tape.  I tried not wearing a bra the other day and I could barely separate my boobs from my waist when it was time to put on my pajamas.  Thank God for last night's rain as I fear I could have started the nearbywoods on fire with the rustling of my sweltering thighs.  Just walking out to feed and water the featherless, wildly producing chickens makes me think I might actually spontaneously combust at any moment.  I now know how that hay feels in the loft of a barn just before it sparks a disaster.  Possibly all this insulation is what allows me to adventure out in 20 degree weather without a coat. I will welcome that weather with open arms.  For now, I'll sit in the house by the fan, in the car with the a/c on or in a restaurant where I can add to my discomfort in the form of french fries and maybe a milkshake.  Although I was able to perform a miracle on Sunday when, in the heat of the moment, I was able to run with Bailee to catch the ice cream truck!!!!


Tuesday, July 16, 2013

By George, he's not guilty..

Well George, I think you got away with murder!  I seem to be on the opposite side of this least with most of my family.  I'm not sure if I'm more tolerant than they, if I see it more from a Mom's point of view, if I really don't believe that people are innocent until (and if) proven guilty, I'm way less racist than they or if I just naturally take the opposite side of an argument.  Lee will say it's definitely the last!!

I just find it very hard to believe that it's OK to shoot an unarmed "anybody" especially when good ole George was the pursuer.  "Are you still following him?"  "Yes"...."We don't need you to do that sir!"
That should have been the end of George's self appointed tour of duty as Mr. Neighborhood Watch. The appropriate people had been notified and George needed to go home... end of story ..or it should have been!

I'm not a huge fan of guns.  However, I live in the middle of my own little Duck Dynasty and shooting feathered or furry creatures seems to be our national pastime. I have, of late, declared that anything or anyone donning a hoodie is not fair game in my neighborhood. Most creatures are safe at least from me.  I've only managed to kill 2 bird feeders and one slide.  I've tried to bitch a few things to death but if I were really a pro at that (as Lee proclaims), he'd have been dead a long time ago.

I guess maybe we do have our own, unwritten, stand your ground law here at EIEIO..but my attacks are strictly verbal....come if you dare!

Friday, July 12, 2013

R & R

Jeff's home for a few days....A lot of family time.... Be back soon!

Thursday, July 11, 2013

A picture is worth..................

The day was hot!  The tub was not!!  Amazing how different things affect different people.  The new tub was a mere 67 degrees.  A perfect temperature for a 6 year old to cool off and enjoy a random splash or two.....until Papa arrives.  "Come here Papa, it's awesome!"  Not so perfect for a 62+ year old.
Overnight has done the trick.  Today the temps are ranging in the 100 degree mark accompanied by some lower humidity and cooler temps outside.  I think tonight we'll see if the family who soaks together can still joke together.  It's supposed to seat 5 adults and a cool seat (one where only your butt and legs are under water.  We'll see! I'm thinking when Jess and I enter, we'll be adding water.  I'm heading out now to literally test the water and make sure it's ready for big butts and dirty, little Bailee feet.  I pretty much have the placement of the TV figured out and possibly the towel rack.  I can see some  monogrammed towels ......EIEIO seems just about right.  Even Old MacDonald needs to rest his weary bones......for sure old Grandmas and Papas do :-)

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Hot Hot Hot:-)

Our hot tub is home!  It arrived this morning and has been calling my name for an hour... I still don't have a name for it yet but you know I will... I'll have to see how it treats me and put out feelers for just the right moniker.  Bailee wore her bathing suit to Rec just so she wouldn't have to take the time to change when she got here.  My hips are begging for the warmth but the rest of me is pleading for a cool, refreshing dip.  I guess if I tried it out while it's heating, I could have the best of both worlds.
On the down side of today. Jess was unable to secure a seat on this morning's flight to Charlotte.  She was there and waiting but all flights (nonstop) were overbooked....Crap... Now Jeff will be driving home all alone awfully long trip to drive by yourself.  I tell him to pay attention, stay

Ignore the price...I'm a much better negotiator!
off the phone and tend to his driving and then I call hourly to make sure he's OK... Silly Mom!  Tomorrow will be a day of fretting....and I do it so well:-) I will miss out on my one on one night with Miss B too....but we'll have lots of fun the next few days with birthdays, reunions and Jeff!

For anyone who has a few spare prayers in their pocket, please send one upward for my dear, sweet friend Andrea.  She's in surgery as I type.  That nasty big C is back and we need to send it on it's way (again) so she can watch her beautiful Fia go to school, have her first date, turn sweet 16, graduate, marry and have beautiful little Fias of her own....It'll happen but a few extra prayers never hurt!!!!

Monday, July 8, 2013

Sad :-(

Normally I'm a Monday gal... Today I'm sad.  No preaching but a really good wake up call to live each day to the fullest.  As I mentioned in a past sermon, we take too much for granted. Yesterday afternoon, some friends of ours (who have had a lousy year and it was starting to look up) were killed in a car accident on the way home from their son's.  They leave behind 2 grown kids and their beautiful grandkids. Gone.... no more holidays, no more boat rides with Grandpa or swimming in the lake with Grandma. No more anything.....Really puts things in perspective.
Jeff and Jess will be traveling home this week and I will now fret more than ever...if that's even possible. Maybe that's why I plunk my butt right here at home, hoping I'll be safe. Just my luck a tree will fall on me, I'll be rammed by a feral boar or pecked to death by a renegade flock of chickens.
So hug your family just never know!

Friday, July 5, 2013

I plead the 5th!!!

I plead the fifth...5th of July that is!  Up bright and early to water flowers, do laundry, empty garbage and head to breakfast. When asked how I spent the 4th of July, I plead (pled, pleaded?) the 5th.  It wasn't really an incriminating day, it was just my day!  I did breakfast, bought a table, mowed the lawn, watched a movie in the cool theater, ate clams, read my kindle, ate more clams, played a game in the cottage, watched a couple of tivo'd shows, ate a Popsicle and went to bed.  See, I celebrated the day showing, once again, my Independence. I'm thinking, in keeping with the whole holiday week-end thing, that today might just be 4th of July II, the sequel!  It's a pretty busy month ahead with a new hot tub being delivered, Grandma camp (love that moniker....thanks Faye and Judy) for a couple of days while Mom flies off to Charlotte to ride back home with Uncle Jeff, Squeege turns 40, family reunion, MacKenzie Childs barn sale, Hallmark ornament premiere, last Fair parade at the Grove St. Leonard house, we celebrate 30 wonderful years of marriage (we've been married 38:-) and Lee turns 63 at the end of the month.  Can't believe that Dad would have been 93 on that same day.
I'm already exhausted just writing this blog.  I really must get to the porch and begin my R & R in anticipation of the R R (rat race) that will begin next week!!!!
Happy 5th:-)

Thursday, July 4, 2013


Independence is a wonderful thing and I for one take it for granted. I have always been one to do what I want, when I want, where I want and pretty much with whom I want.  Some call that spoiled! I call it being independent and extremely lucky.  But I often forget how deep my good fortune extends.  I am able to be independent because of my husband, my Dad, my Great Grandfather and those that secured that right 237 years ago.  I was never a big history buff but as you age you sometimes find a new appreciation for things that seemed mundane but required.  I've never been one to do things because I had to (without a bit of dissension) but rather because I wanted to... There's that darn spoiled thing again! The older I get, the more appreciation and respect I have for my independence.  We really don't live in a world of independence on the smaller scale.  So many seem to be dependent others.  Nothing is ever our fault anymore....we often throw ownership of our shortcomings to others. I guess maybe it's time we all realize that this independence thing is also our responsibility.  It's up to us to raise the next generations with the same thankfulness we were taught.  It's up to us to see that we teach the right thing by example.  I guess if we're to remain truly independent it's up to us remember that we have a duty to live in such a manner that those who secured that freedom would be proud.
We're ALL really good takers.....Maybe we should begin again to be really good givers, be thankful for what we have, share if we're able and live lives that leave really good examples for generations to come...Independence may not be a "right" after may be a reward!

                                              HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY my Friends!

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

A New Day!

Whew..I made it through yesterday!  As you probably assumed, I was not the happiest of campers.  Today is a new day....Tuesday Booze Day as Kathie Lee and Hoda like to proclaim.  I concur. I so wish I liked wine but vodka will suffice.  I think it's actually the tomato juice, horseradish, salt and lemon I enjoy. I would undoubtedly be a good candidate for placebo testing groups.  I could probably get equally as tipsy without the alcohol....and feel a bit of euphoria too. Kind of like just having the cigarette in your hand but not actually smoking it.  On the other hand, maybe not.... I couldn't just hold the Hershey bar and not really eat it...there goes that theory.  Thankfully at my age I can eat or drink whatever I choose whenever I choose to.  I knew 60+ had a silver lining somewhere (beside my hair and teeth!)
Today's lesson is definitely that tomorrow will be better...or at least a change from today. Some problems will be gone and others will sneak in.  The ones that seemed huge yesterday are a mere blip on the radar today.  There are so many with bigger battles to fight and each day I am overwhelmed with the strength of each one. I am inspired by their courage, their attitudes and their amazing faith!
So, today's a good day and tomorrow will be better.  And if I think not when tomorrow gets here, there's always the next day, a new day!

Monday, July 1, 2013

Another Rainy Monday

I really never minded rainy days and you all know I love Mondays but seriously today pretty much far.  Today has been however, a learning experience.  This is what I've learned and it isn't even noon.

  • Never rent or loan something that you have any attachment to or think someone else might enjoy using again.... ever!
  • Clean is a relative term with obviously different meanings to different people.
  • Nobody really wants to work anymore....
  • A bit of skill is required to write a check
  • 40 days of rain makes your hair frizzy
  • Men enjoy being the good guy with as much pleasure as they do serving up their spouses as the walking evil......just saying
  • Not all lawyers are bad
  • All good things take time and a HUGE helping of patience
  • It's not a bad thing to have a bloody mary for lunch especially when it's RIGHT NOW!
  • My daughter is usually there when I need a helping hand or two!
Happy Monday:-)