Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Shopping cum laude

Very few people do everything well. Many people do a lot of things well.  Some people can't seem to do anything well.  Then there's me:-) Mediocre is my best for most things.  Horrendous is my level at a couple things and Outstanding is my prowess at shopping.  I can accomplish frugal spending, thought provoked gifts, timely delivery and never get off my ass. I- AM- GOOD!  Who really needs that 4 years of higher learning and that graduate or master's degree?  I am a professional.. My staff is somewhere in the cloud, my finances are housed in a web, UPS, FedEx and the USPS (oh, and Giuseppe's) are on my doorstep, and my overhead is well.......overhead!  

I can outfit a 6 year old, furnish a house, light up a room, critique a novel, plan the perfect gathering, file sales tax, tire tax, income tax, estimated tax, print my own postage, see what a color will look like on a wall... my wall, share photos, communicate with friends and family, vent my quirks in a blog,  find out how to clip chickens beaks and rid them of mites, track an arriving airplane, write a decent letter, get a refund, bitch about most anything, check the weather in Honduras and once again all from the comfort of my cozy den and my Dad's big desk right here at EIEIO because I'm a really good shopper!  

Many thanks to Dell, my in house English teacher, Shirley VanNest, my Dad for his genes and my husband♥ who has allowed me to sit on my ass, stay at home and enjoy the good life.... Shop On:-)

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