Monday, October 22, 2012

Cruise Journal

The good news is the girls had successful flights to Charlotte and Miami.  All planes on time, a visit w/ Uncle Jeff and nobody threw up:-)  Arriving in Miami was a bit more daunting than Syracuse airport and apparently most people prefer to speak Spanish......probably because most of them were of Mexican! They finally managed to hail the shuttle to the hotel while joining the groom's family aboard.  Jean said Jess was a bit "anxious!"  Thank God for family!  They all enjoyed a great limo ride around Miami and ended the night with supper at Hard Rock Cafe'.  Ava and Bailee loved the limo but were carried, sound asleep, up to their rooms.... long day for little girls!!

Saturday everyone excitedly boarded the shuttle headed to the port for their early check-in on Carnival Liberty.  They were lucky to be boarding 3 hours before all the other passengers to prepare and dress for the wedding.  The girls were in awe of the city on the water......brings to reality the line from Jaws, ''We need to get a bigger boat!"  The wedding was short, sweet and beautiful in the Tapestry room on board.  Jess was able to send these few pictures before turning off the phones for 7 days.. ( I'm having a bit of withdrawals..communication wise).  They set sail at 3 p.m.  All a bit surreal I'm sure.

I did receive a short email from Jess (they can buy computer time in the library for a relatively expensive amount) yesterday. They had been swimming and Bailee had gone down the gigantic slide. She was then having some fun at Camp Liberty...entirely oriented for the kids... while Jess was familiarizing herself with the ship. In her email, she explained they were at sea for the day and cruising in the GOLF of Mexico....(hey, it's a word so spell check left it alone.).

They arrived in port at Cozumel, Mexico, this a.m. at 7.  The Kirks and Browns are now swimming with the dolphins as we "speak."  I can only imagine the excitement!!! I'm hoping the pictures are amazing.

If anyone is interested... you can follow the ship at (thanks Resa).  They are on Carnival Liberty.  For those of you "in the know", check out the width and breadth of the ship....pretty cool!!!


waiting for the wedding

The Kirks

Bailee and Ava
There is a tropical storm brewing:-(   Her name................SANDY!  I'm just can't get away from your Mama!!

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