Monday, October 15, 2012

It's official...

It's official...OK, it's a possibility...OK....I wish!!  Actually, there has been a study (shocker) about the connections between chocolate and smarts.  I've always known there were marvelous powers associated with the sweet, brown confection but I never realized that others were making the ties. The study compared the consumption of chocolate to the number of Nobel Prize winners a country produces.  Dr. Franz Messerli (Roosevelt Hospital and Columbia University slouch) wrote that there is "evidence that the flavonols (whatever the hell they are) in green tea, red wine and chocolate help in slowing down or even reversing age related mental decline....(I seriously don't think I can go much slower)." He used data from 23 chocolate producing countries (why couldn't I have had a research job like that......oh that's right,  I hated working) and found a "powerful correlation between brain power and chocolate consumption"......Woo Hoo....Switzerland lead the smart, chocolate charge followed mid pack by the U.S. and a few European countries. China and Japan brought up the rear.  Picking up those grains of rice with little pencil length pieces of wood was much more difficult and time consuming than just using your hands to unwrap candy kisses, Hershey bars and peanut butter cups. It doesn't take a rocket scientist ( or a Nobel prize winner) to figure that out......or does it?

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