Tuesday, October 23, 2012

"Say" it forward

We've all heard about the feel good advantages of paying it forward.  There have been movies made about it, books written about it and even TV shows extolling the virtues of it.  It's just plain ..a good thing.  On a personal note, I think it's even more fulfilling to "say" it forward.  I hail from a family of writers. As we've chatted about before, past generations weren't as touchy-feely as we are...OK I am...but I have lots of proof that they were as compassionate and as loving in their own special ways.
I have a letter that was written by my Great Grandfather to my father (his grandson).  He was a state senator and as one newspaper said in his obituary, "vociferous!"  (The apple didn't fall far from the tree... they just say it differently now... "she's mouthy!")  The letter was short, sweet and full of love, 1920"s style!  I also have letters and notes, lots and lots of notes, from my Dad♥

Today there was an article in the morning paper about the importance and value of personal legacies living hand in hand with estate plans. Financial planners are encouraging their clients to share not only their monetary wealth with their loved ones but their emotional wealth...their values, their wisdom and their accomplishments. With today's gifts of technology, this can be done in so many ways.  If you don't profess to be a writer, everybody knows how to talk.... make a video or record an audio message.  It can be as short as, "You made my life extra special, love you..Grandma!" or as long as a book filled with stories, photos and memories.  One Grandpa wrote nearly 60 pages and had it self published for his grandkids... (something I just may have already done  shhhhh).  There are even businesses popping up that help the novice writer to identify ways to pen the meaning and purpose of one's life to pass on to future (and present) family members. One website is called celebrationsoflife.net and another business called Write on Track, each enlighten seniors (yep folks, that's us no matter how much you'd like to deny it) about how to identify the meaning and purpose of our lives and literally "say it forward".....by the way... that's my line.

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