Friday, October 19, 2012

And......they're off.....

The girls are off on Jess and Bailee's Excellent Adventure.  They left Syracuse on time and arrived safely in Charlotte.  Jeff had called and said they were socked in with fog:-(     It lifted in time for things to begin landing and taking off again just in the nick of time.  They leave shortly for Miami if Jess doesn't load her in the overhead compartment..  From Mom's report, she was a pill on the plane.....shocker.  She's going to be pooped later and they still have a huge day ahead of them.. Another flight, get to the hotel, a limo ride around Miami and supper at Bubba Gump's Shrimp house with the family!!!  * Bailee calls it Bubble Gum's Shrimp House. Tomorrow is even a bigger day with boarding the big ship, Daryl and Ashley's wedding and sailing off for Cozumel.  I'm getting tired just typing it all:-)  They'll sleep well tonight!!  I'm not too sure how this no communication thing is going to work for me for 7 days....I'm already a nervous wreck.. I'm the one who fixes things and no "connections" is already driving me crazy..............short trip.
I guess I'll head out to the cottage and play a bit with my paints, sponges, stencils and textures..... I think they have this same kind of therapy at the funny will be good practice.

some prizes for vacation

doing some math while waiting

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