Monday, October 8, 2012

Dancing with (under) the Stars

One of our little *indulgent activities in the cottage is going to be dancing. After soccer last week, Bailee and I spent a few minutes working on the Waltz.....then we put our lesson to the test.  Uncle Jeff explained that he could waltz and then Papa said he could too.  We decided that music was desperately needed so I belted out a few verses of West Side Story's, "I Feel Pretty!"  (after all, another * i-a is learning some Broadway songs and listening to some vinyl on the record player....or "the music player" as Bailee calls it. What 5 year old enjoys Broadway tunes, Andy Williams and Singing along with Mitch?".............ours!  
Being an equal opportunity activity family,  when my back was turned, Uncle Jeff was teaching Bailee a short course on rapping and the associated movements.  She's a quick learner!

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