Thursday, February 2, 2012

Happy Camper

Last night, as I sat warm and toasty, I thought about how spoiled I am and what I actually couldn't live without (totally in my own mind and not literally.) The list is short....and sweet!

  1. Clothing:  The form is no longer attractive to anyone,  appealing in any aspect and should be covered at all times. (it also provides warmth)
  2. Electricity:  I need it, I pay for it and I must have my technology fully juiced.
  3. Diet Pepsi:  There's no sugar, no calories and it contains no alcohol. They won't give me a ticket for drinking it and I make back a nickel every time I down one!
  4. Chocolate: Just because.
  5. My house: It's my favorite place on earth. I care nothing about traveling the world, seeing the 7 wonders or learning of life in far away places...that brings me to number 6
  6. TV and Internet: These bring me to and teach me about the 7 wonders and life in far away places. It's cheaper, no bugs, I don't worry about what to pack and I can do it in #5!
  7. My family and friends: This includes my husband (oddly enough), my kids and my beautiful Bailee. The extension of family (except for Mom) ends here! My friends are awesome. Old friends remain great and new friends are a blessing...In my opinion, blood is not thicker than water...I cannot live without water!) [disclaimer- family in this statement excludes my Hatfield clan]
So, there you have it.... My 7 wonders of the world......At almost 60, these are my essentials... some may be frivolous, some awkward but all are off the table for change.  What you see is what you get and as long as I have my 7 wonders, I'm a happy camper....You really wouldn't like me as an unhappy one!

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