Friday, February 3, 2012

Guilty Pleasure

I know I should feel guilty about not having to go to Florida.  Most people I know would kill to have the opportunity to go for a few days much less a month and here I am, "shickled titless" to stay home.  I do enjoy sitting on my patio, enjoying my morning coffee or my afternoon bloody mary with my fresh lemon, reading and soaking up some Florida sun but I've sadly realized.. my skin needs no more sun!!!!
Sometime in the last few months, someone came during the night and replaced my arms, hands and knees with my mothers!!!!!!!!! It's not pretty and I'm afraid it's irreversible:-( If I twist my arm just right,  it resembles a botched job of a cowhide purse.........and the brown spots hardly look like polka dots.  My knees could easily be mistaken for a young elephant who's been practicing for the circus.  I remember saying I would never have my "Aunt Janet's knees!" I lied... They're here!!! just below my Uncle Harold's ass :-(   So needless to say, I will enjoy my porches in my rocker and try to reduce my direct intake of Vitamin D rays.  I realize that 60 years of damage probably can't be erased but I can soften things up with my recently delivered case of original scent Jergens lotion!  I can still preach to those young worshippers and show them the sagging evidence I carry with me daily. They probably won't listen (I sure didn't when I was their age.) So I look forward to warmer weather in NYS where I can languish away from the sun and banish my guilt for being happy I'm where I want to be.  

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