Thursday, February 16, 2012


I think there comes a time in every wife and mom's life when she realizes she may just have "done" too much.  Sometimes the more you do for people, the less they have to think for themselves.  As Moms, we often get to the point where it's just plain easier to do it ourselves!  Today was my moment!  Lee is in Florida and called to say he couldn't find the sheets for the bed.  I think I remember bringing them home last spring and packing them away to return this year... Anyway.... off he went to WalMart to buy new sheets.  He was stymied when met with the color choices... "Blue, white or yellow?"  Those were the first and second calls.  The third came asking the question that prompted my A-ha moment!  "Does the mattress pad go under or on top of the bottom sheet?".... OMG- WTH...."Have you ever slept on the mattress pad itself, Lee?  Do you really think that the mattress pad is made with the same color or design as the sheets?"  I was flabberghasted that the man had never looked at the bed he was getting in before farting off into dreamland.  Is 60 too late to realize that your family (husband) may not be self-sufficient?  What now?  I'm thinking the adage you can't teach an old dog new tricks could prove a sad scenario for my dear hubby. It's given me pause to wonder if he knows that you don't wear underwear inside out or that toilet paper doesn't actually replace itself on the roll. Does he know that the coffeepot doesn't prepare itself the night before so all you have to do is hit the button in the morning? Is he the slightest bit aware that all of his relatives birthday and holiday cards and gifts aren't automatically delivered on just the right date? Does he know that his children didn't learn to set a table, write thank you notes, speak correctly and respect their elders through osmosis? Just how is it that the bills get paid (checks written), the taxes get prepared, the bookwork is completed on time and all vehicles are miraculously registered and insured without fail. I do know all of the things that he does for me!..  Believe me, I'm not patting myself on the back but I am wondering if having everybody's back all the time was a good thing!  There will come a time when one of us won't have the other...are either of us really prepared for that reality? Will we be able to do all those things we've taken for granted from our partners? Maybe it's time I learn to change the oil...right after we make the bed..or maybe we should do it before cuz we all know that once you've made your have to lie in it!!!

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