Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Girl's Night In...

Looking forward to tonight.  I'm hosting a "31" get together.  I usually don't like the Tupperware party scene but I love these products (purses, storage bags, wallets, suitcases, picnic bags, laptop bags, etc) and I promised a gal I would host one.....I had to cancel a few weeks ago as I was sure my guests wouldn't dig "chillin' out" for real (the furnace was down.)  I'm most looking forward to seeing old friends. A roommate from 40 years ago, old cheerleading pals, my BFF and special new friends too... Friends are good... very good and they often beat the hell out of family....just sayin' !!!
So, the dips are prepared, the vacuum's been run (Thanks Jess), the wine is chilling and if they want more than that, they're SOL.  I'm assuming my pals will leave their white gloves at home......or at least in the car and as you all know... I really don't give a hoot!
I'm hoping the weather holds so I don't have to stress about them all driving to and fro. Guess that gives away my age a bit....fretting comes with the territory.  Hoping for a great night topped off with a little Revenge.. (the season finale for my new favorite show!)                         

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