Tuesday, September 27, 2011


I am not positive if I am suffering from a crappy cold or a sinus infection....or both but last night I felt like there was something inside my head pushing on my eyeballs, my nasal cavity and my teeth. Unless I am in need of an exorcism, I have a sinus infection.  I just returned from Kinneys where I purchased nearly one of everything in the "cold aisle." Of course, the one staple that I have medicated with for MANY years is no longer available.. of course not....but my friendly, local pharmacist pointed me to the next best thing.  So far....not so good:-(  I've taken that pill, netti potted, washed my face with the hottest water I could muster and wasted 1/2 a box of Puffs Plus. I hate to double dip but I'm thinking when it comes to drugs...more might be better...My chair is calling and the rain has arrived so there will be no guilt when I recline, eat some homemade custard Jess made me and watch a few soaps and TiVo'd shows from last night. I'm hoping I feel a wee bit better by lunchtime tomorrow... Our monthly gal's luncheon is in Skaneateles at the Sherwood Inn. I hope to go and reminisce a bit.... Not only did I work there, but I lived there....waaaaay.......back in the 70's. Come on drugs... cut me a break!

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