Tuesday, September 20, 2011

She remembered

Yesterday we had a photo session at Walden Place.  There will be an article about Alzheimer's in tonight's Cortland Standard about the disease, it's victims and it's effects on families.  Also, Walden Place is planning to feature it's memory wing residents, one at a time, and the job(s) they held during their life. Mom will be their first resident showcased.  She attended nursing school the Auburn School of Nursing after her high school graduation in 1939. She received her R.N degree in June of 1943.  I believe she only practiced full time for a little over a year as she married in August of 1943 and had my brother Steve in 1944.  She did; however, continue to volunteer for blood banks, vaccination clinics and was also a member of the Auburn Memorial Hospital's Board of Directors.  Medicine was a bit different in the 40's and often we were treated by our in-house nurse in a varied assortment of old school elixirs, poultices and concoctions.  Prune juice was one of my most unfavorites but it was trumped by an enema.  I remember getting one of those just after I had behaved poorly at my cousin Tom's wedding rehearsal where I was to serve as the flower girl. (she swore it would get the "nastiness out of me" as it did..and a lot of other "stuff" too)  I later assumed she was a pretty skilled clinician as I was one happy flower girl the next day and performed to the expectations of all......Usually, Mother knows best:-)

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