Friday, September 9, 2011


PHPH (Pretty Happy Papa's Home) !!! ♥♥♥  Lee arrived home safely and boy was Bailee a happy camper.  She pretty much became his shadow for the evening.... He brought home gifts for everyone.  She got the neatest hat and a rock that had been carried to the beach by a bald eagle (Alaskan beaches are visited by bald eagles as ours are visited by seagulls).  Uncle Jeff sent her home a neat rock that when "hammered" opened to show thousands of crystals.  Her first collection, other than toys and books, will now be rocks!!! It could be worse.... like something that crawls, eats or poops! Uncle Jeff also sent home a pirate eye patch which immediately gave her a new "character" to portray.  "Ahoy matey" was echoed loud and clear.  We enjoyed a nice homecoming turkey dinner complete with fresh beets and beet greens from the farmer's market.....who doesn't just love Fall!  Lee is back at the shop this morning. Jeff is back to work this afternoon and Bailee is back to school today too.  Everything's back to normal... Whatever the hell that is!!

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