Thursday, September 29, 2011

Get that plate #

Well, I'm convinced I was hit by a truck. Yesterday was the pits.... Slept little the night before and did NOTHING yesterday except pop pills, blow my nose (to no avail) and whimper a lot.  I could be an addict... if something makes me feel good, I take it... and sometimes I take something before I feel bad just so I won't.  Seriously, I could be a candidate for the Betty Ford clinic.... Thankfully, I've never needed the really good stuff....and I'm probably smarter than that...just sayin'    but.... I can see how feel good things can get you!  It probably is a good thing to read the pamphlets that accompany drugs of any sort....and when it says do not take this for longer than ? days...I think they mean it!!! I'm not really sure which med made me feel better. It could have been the tiny sinus and allergy pill or it could have been the NyQuil....or the Tylenol..  My best guess is the custard Jess made me last night....My only sustenance for the day and the best custard anywhere....even better than Mom made....Today I'm using laughter.. I hear that works too!!!!

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