Monday, September 19, 2011

Monday, Monday

Monday Monday, so good to me,

Monday Monday, it was all I hoped it would be......As you know, I ♥ Mondays.  and me, being a Mama and Lee, being a Papa makes us love it even more.  Cool temps, bright blue, sunny skies, Jet's and Bill's wins and a visit to Walden Place have started the week out in good fashion.  and... if that isn't enough, tonight starts TV premiere week!  We'll get answers to the spring cliffhangers, glimpses of our McDreamys and McSteamys and we can dance the night away with the Stars. This is the time of year that if the Emmys gave an award for Technology favorite, my TiVo wins hands down!! If you don't have a TiVo or a don't know what you're missing.....or maybe you do... all your favorite shows that happen to be on simultaneously or past your bedtime. 
So, we're off for a little photo-op with the Cortland Standard, then home to get ready for our Monday night, family pork chop feast and and a date with my recliner....
Monday, Monday so good to me!!!

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