Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Not so funny

Laugh you may... but.. when those of us going to visit seniors who live in the Senior Center and need these friendly (Burma-Shave) (you must be fairly old to know what these are..) reminders, it's not so funny.  I wake up some mornings, walk bent slightly over until the message reaches my brain that I'm a primate and can, indeed, walk upright!  I blink rapidly to adjust my eyes to daylight and realize that I could blink all day and won't get focused until I put on my glasses. That's great, now where the hell are they?  That's when the realization hits me that repetition could be my best buddy.  I now put my glasses in the exact same spot each night upon retiring so I can blindly reach them in the morning.  OK, I've risen, staggered to the bathroom, managed to get on my clothes without tipping over and now I'm headed to the kitchen to take my ONE pill for the day (That is an accomplishment...the one pill..not just the getting there).  Lee now takes 6 pills a day:-(  My next stop is the den to check my email and Face Book. I place my hands on the keyboard and think...."who the hell's hands are those?"  The veins are popping, the skin is wrinkled and there are a few brown spots that look like the liver fairy had paid a visit to me overnight!!! WTH.  This is really not the routine I had hoped for upon waking each morning.  But, trying hard to be a glass half full gal, I rejoice in the fact that I woke up..... and then try to find my way through the rest of the day and maybe even to the Senior Center......

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