Thursday, September 15, 2011

Mini Hamm :-)

A "Mini Hamm" in both senses of the word.... She loves to have her picture taken and she appears to enjoy soccer (Mia star) Moravia has a great youth soccer program and the fields at the Glen (local state park) are filled on Tuesday and Thursday evenings with players, coaches, parents and grandparents and even aunts and uncles.  In a small town, sports rally the troops.
I remember being a part of the inaugural year of youth soccer. We ran a raffle that facilitated my keeping a chart of ticket holders and watching the daily NY lottery's daily number.. Ticket- holders could win with the number or it's reverse. We raised a nice sum of money and along with Mary Ellen Buhl... brought soccer to our youth.  Little League baseball had always been a huge sport in town therefore turning out championship teams at the high school level. Football is an expensive sport and was limited, generally to boys. ( I know, I've heard of Title 9 and have extolled it's virtues for years.... after all, in the 60's there were no competitive sports for girls...heck even in intramural only made it past the center line if you were lucky enough to be a roving forward....Once again, I concede to being old)  Now, nearly a generation later, soccer is a thriving community and school sport.  I am happy that Bailee is interested..... my only athlete of sorts was Jeffrey and that involved oodles of $ and broken of which we had too much of... the other too little!  It's raining now but expecting the sun to shine later for B's first real game.... It will be fun hollering Go...NO, this way!!!!

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