Thursday, September 8, 2011

FIRST, first day of school.....

You only get one, first, first day of school and today is perfect if your name is Noah!!! It's raining buckets and a flood is eminent w/ 4-6 inches predicted for just today.  It's a good thing Bailee wore the skirt and sweater outfit yesterday as today called for khakis, sneakers and the umbrella.  All's well and, outfitted with her backpack, lunch bag, umbrella and her she went ... all the way across the street.  I'm hoping she has a wonderful start to some of the best years of her life♥

My men are headed southeast.  They got a late, early start (there's an oxymoron for you). They were delayed a 1/2 hour and left Anchorage at 2:15 a.m. their time.  It'll be a l-o-n-g day. Jeff said there is another flight into Charlotte a bit earlier than they are scheduled and he may try to get them on that one.  Thankfully, Lee's staying over and will get a good night's sleep at Jeff's. I hope they had a wonderful trip despite the little hiccup in the middle and will have beautiful pictures to share and awesome stories to tell.  I think they're both ready to favorite place !!

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