Thursday, May 19, 2011

St. Dunstan's Day

Today is St. Dunstan's Day.  I love holidays!'ve never heard of St. Dunstan?  He's actually no different than the rest of us.  One time he found it necessary to make a deal with the devil. According to legend, St. Dunstan made a pact with the devil to spare apple and pear blossoms from late frosts nine years out of ten. In the tenth year, there was a frost on this day. Traditional weather lore has it that St. Dunstan was a great brewer who sold himself to the devil on the condition that the devil would blight the apple trees to stop the production of cider, Dunstan's rival drink. This is said to be the cause of the wintry blast that usually comes about this time. Hmmm... a business man who made a deal with the devil to hurt his competitor and make more money for himself.....and then he blamed it on the weather......probably was the beginning of global warming.The more I think about it, I think St Dunstan was a politcian... maybe his given name is Al Gore Dunstan!

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