Thursday, May 26, 2011

Cry UNCLE....

I'm crying Uncle. I know that means you give up and I give up... Watching Bailee and Uncle Jeff is the best!  She spent the afternoon with us yesterday.  They made a helicopter (from a stove box), had a golf lesson. ate Chinese at the picnic table and identified birds in the backyard..."This one we can shoot, this one we can't!" As always, my camera was clicking.  Some of my fondest memories were with my uncles... both related by blood and related by love.  When we would visit my Uncle Randy in Florida he would do anything in his power to make our stay amazing.  My "Uncle" Lou found out I liked root beer so he installed root beer on tap!. My Uncle Barney would load me in his jeep for his mail route and take me to places that seemed as far away and as snowy as the north pole  (it was Niles) and in the fall bring me the biggest beets I'd ever seen.  My "Uncle" Dick took me to the Baseball Hall of Fame, the Farmer's Museum, shooting off fireworks on the 4th of July morning and let me help cook fried , green tomatoes for breakfast...(the best part being he didn't make me eat them). If Bailee can have half the wonderful memories with her Uncle Jeff, she'll be a lucky girl!

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