Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Decisions, Decisions

One of my pet peeves (and it appears I have more and more these days) is being indecisive.  I've never really had trouble making decisions. I either need it or I don't, I can afford it or I can't, I like it/them or I don't and I'll be there or I won't.  I like to think my reasoning skills have been honed throughout the years and through research and experience, I can make decisions. I try to give those not blessed with good decision making skills the benefit of the doubt.  I know that often they are trying hard not to hurt someone's feelings... Unfortunately, I wasn't blessed with THAT skill! For someone who enjoys color, I pretty much have a black and white attitude toward decisions.  My husband is one of the "I just can't deciders!"  Finally after several years, he sold his pick up in favor of something new(er).  What that might be could easily remain a secret for the next several days, weeks or possibly months. Yesterday he liked green, today brown but he's found a great black one he likes.  He thinks cloth versus leather is the answer but that black one does have leather heated seats.  This friend knows of one is PA. but another has found one in OH. Should he spend $27K on one that is nearly 3 years old or $31K on a brand new one. I'm at the point where "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn!"  I built an entire house and chose everything from door handles to shingle colors in less time than the purchase of new wheels has taken Mr. Reticent.  I say: a new,extended cab, mocha, GMC Sierra with all the bells and whistles. You've worked for it, you've earned it, now go get it.!!!!!
                                        I'll keep you posted. It has to be a matter of time before driving the red (he hates red) Ford,( he hates Fords) Exploder gets the best of him and he finally makes a decision!!!!!  That much I've decided!!!!

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