Monday, May 23, 2011

Chicks are back in the nest

I like it when everyone's home, healthy and happy.... I'll take every 24 hrs. I can get. Jeff arrived home yesterday. He's ready for a week of cool temps, cold beer, home cooking (yes, I CAN if I have to), shooting critters, playing golf and hangin' w/ the fam.  Bailee became a scene from Peter Pan as she attached herself and became Uncle Jeff's shadow.  She literally could not stop smiling.  A pretty awesome sight, for sure!  Everybody used to whine about having their picture taken during any and all activities.... not any more...Now it's "take my picture Grandma" or "quick, get a picture of that!".  We've all learned that capturing life on film (I know it's not film anymore) is amazingly wonderful as tomorrow isn't promised.  We're not fatalists and we weren't planning on going on Saturday's trip to the end of the world but we're also not  naive enough to think that we're promised anything more than today!!!  So, if you see a few family shots posted in the next few days,.....Take Bailee's sage advice and "Deal about it!"

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