Tuesday, May 31, 2011


Wow, another month is nearly in the books.  That was fast.  Maybe the rain washed it away quicker than normal.  We had a great finish though. Jeff was here for a visit and it was a good week.  Had some family time, he and Lee golfed a bit, we hit a few great restaurants, he shot a turkey, he enjoyed a couple trips to the shooting range, we watched a storm together on the porch, he gave Bailee some golfing lessons and he was lucky enough to pitch in and weed eat 4 places (I knew that was top on his list).  I remarked on Facebook yesterday that I was a bit nuts as I closed the bathroom window in hopes of capturing the smell of his aftershave for a few more days. Unless we connect half way for a week-end (which I think is necessary), I won't see him again till hunting season.  That's just not acceptable!!  He and Lee are planning a fun, 10 day adventure to Alaska at the end of August, first of September.  They're both really looking forward to that.. It's been on Lee's Bucket List!!

An adventure of another sort is happening right now. Miss Bailee is attending her Kindergarten screening.  I remember her Mom's and her uncle's well. Can't imagine that each was in the early 80's.  And I thought this May went fast !!!  It will be a fast summer as Bailee will be alternating weeks with her Dad and Mom. (I hate it, nobody asked me and I guess it's none of my business.....:-(

June will arrive in 13 1/2 hours. With it will hopefully come a steady temperature of 70 degrees, rain every few nights, some good books being read on the porch, a few, short journeys with Jerome, the Locke Fair, a few cookouts with friends and family, quality time with Miss B as her educational career will begin in the fall, lots of good health news from far and near and tons of peace and quiet!!!!  One can dream!!!

Friday, May 27, 2011


Happy Memorial Day everyone.....Time to thank and remember those I've lost who meant so much to me and molded me  physically, mentally and emotionally, into the person I am today! (flawed as it may be)

Thank you Dad for loving politics, teaching me not to spend what I didn't have, reminding me that you could and should learn something new everyday and my love of reading!!!  Love you!

Thank you Steve for teaching me that a few years with one sibling far surpasses a lifetime with another!

Thank You Grandma Hatfield for teaching me about family, the fun of goodie bags, the wonder of holidays and that I needed to fight for what (who) I wanted. 

Thank you Uncle Jack, Uncle Barney, Uncle Randy and Uncle Dick for showing me the love of Uncles

Thank you Nancy for teaching me that Moms are the glue that hold a family together, that Wednesdays are for spaghetti and that most meals should be accompanied by potatoes!!!

Thank you Celeste for showing the world (at least mine) that Step Mothers (in law) can be fun, don't make you clean  fireplaces and will let you go to the ball!!!!♥

Thank you Paul O. for showing me that a 5th grade romance can be as beautiful as a 50 year old one!

Thank you to friends and family who escaped this crazy world ahead of me.... Save me a place!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Cry UNCLE....

I'm crying Uncle. I know that means you give up and I give up... Watching Bailee and Uncle Jeff is the best!  She spent the afternoon with us yesterday.  They made a helicopter (from a stove box), had a golf lesson. ate Chinese at the picnic table and identified birds in the backyard..."This one we can shoot, this one we can't!" As always, my camera was clicking.  Some of my fondest memories were with my uncles... both related by blood and related by love.  When we would visit my Uncle Randy in Florida he would do anything in his power to make our stay amazing.  My "Uncle" Lou found out I liked root beer so he installed root beer on tap!. My Uncle Barney would load me in his jeep for his mail route and take me to places that seemed as far away and as snowy as the north pole  (it was Niles) and in the fall bring me the biggest beets I'd ever seen.  My "Uncle" Dick took me to the Baseball Hall of Fame, the Farmer's Museum, shooting off fireworks on the 4th of July morning and let me help cook fried , green tomatoes for breakfast...(the best part being he didn't make me eat them). If Bailee can have half the wonderful memories with her Uncle Jeff, she'll be a lucky girl!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Weather..or not

I promise that I will never complain about our weather again! Holy cow... enough already... I'm not smart enough to know if it's truly global warming to blame or just plain Mother Nature but this apocalyptic weather is a wee bit out of control.  A few weeks of rain or a few feet of snow are really no big deal.  As I've said before, if you don't like it here...move... but you'll be dealing with something else you don't like wherever you go... unless you head to Belize or Hawaii......The weather is ok n the south but then it's too hot and I hate bugs..so forget that.  I can deal with the occasional bee or garter snake here.  I have heat so I can deal with the cold and I have an air conditioner if it gets too hot.  I do not, however, have any aspirations to rebuild my home every few years or clean mud from my basement or worry if my neighboring forest is on fire.  Grass may seem greener on the other side of the fence but you may find it's because something you don't like is shi--ing over there....! Sit back, relax, enjoy the four seasons..even if we might have all four of them in one day!!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


The one below.......No Freakin' way..ever.. not even for food!

Bridges......Today, in 1883, the Brooklyn Bridge was opened to link Manhattan and Brooklyn.  The premise of a bridge is a great idea. A bridge is a structure built to span physical obstacles.  Ok, Personally I'm not a big fan of crossing them.  I usually close my eyes even though I know that the views are probably breathtaking.... which is ironic as I'm usually holding mine!  Bridges over land pretty much freak me out and bridges over water make my legs shake but I think the landing would be less stressful and I know I could swim to shore.....if, of course, I could get the window open and I wouldn't drown as the water came rushing in... and then of course, who the hell could fit through the window?  How embarrassing to drown and be found with your ass stuck in the window. Back to the premise of bridges....I enjoy being linked!  I like that the computer and specifically, Facebook links me to friends and family. I love that the computer can link me to stores, give me availability, prices and send things directly to my door. I like being able to see who owns what property, get an old birth certificate online and see who's buried in which cemetery. I like that gaining knowledge from cyberspace can bridge communication between patients and doctors. I especially like the financial bridge that runs from the banking industry directly to my desk. Bridges of all kinds make sense. The idea that they make so many things, people and places accessible is almost worth the trip......even if my eyes are closed!

Monday, May 23, 2011

Chicks are back in the nest

I like it when everyone's home, healthy and happy.... I'll take every 24 hrs. I can get. Jeff arrived home yesterday. He's ready for a week of cool temps, cold beer, home cooking (yes, I CAN if I have to), shooting critters, playing golf and hangin' w/ the fam.  Bailee became a scene from Peter Pan as she attached herself and became Uncle Jeff's shadow.  She literally could not stop smiling.  A pretty awesome sight, for sure!  Everybody used to whine about having their picture taken during any and all activities.... not any more...Now it's "take my picture Grandma" or "quick, get a picture of that!".  We've all learned that capturing life on film (I know it's not film anymore) is amazingly wonderful as tomorrow isn't promised.  We're not fatalists and we weren't planning on going on Saturday's trip to the end of the world but we're also not  naive enough to think that we're promised anything more than today!!!  So, if you see a few family shots posted in the next few days,.....Take Bailee's sage advice and "Deal about it!"

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Sputnik Update:

The venting system is going in as I type. That is actually the reason for Sputnik joining the named rooms in our home.  Cooking in the house kitchen with only a filtered vent wasn't cutting it.  Everything we cooked permeated the entire house .....for hours and often days.  Nobody wants to fall into a bed that smells like a pork chop! The floor is tiled, the cupboard is in, the soffet is adorned in beautiful stainless tiles, the "one of a kind" counter top is being finished today, lights installed, pot rack is up, and stove has arrived.  Our only conundrum is how to lift the  nearly 1/2 ton range to it's final resting place. Minor details.... I have faith that a few great minds will figure it out. Lee made a trip to BJ's the other day to get cleaning supplies and returned home with spices, oils and garlic...lots and lots of garlic.  We won't have any more cooking fumes .........or vampires!  Jeff will be home on Sunday for a week and he loves to cook so we should get Sputnik  christened in fine style.  By the time we're finished, it definitely would be cheaper to eat out but you know how I love a project and this was all (almost) in the name of health!!!

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Reality Shows

Reality TV...I love it....some of it...I don't care for the Biggest Loser (too close to home), The Amazing Race (I generally only race to the bathroom), Survivor (bugs are not on my menu and I will not brush (or wipe) with a leaf.)  The Bachelor and Bachelorette have worn out their welcome and even I began to hate the contestants who slept with 3 wannabes, told their families' they loved their family member and then picked the idiot.  All the family reality shows, Jersey Shore, Life with Dog the bounty Hunter and his pups, Hulk Hogan's harmonious homies and the Osbournes, Gozzelins and Duggars...Not ! But I do love The Apprentice, Dancing with the Stars,  American Idol and now, The Voice..  Last night I was on my feet ( I get out of my recliner past 8 p.m. to pee...period) dancing and clapping when Hines and Chelsea did so well and got all 10's. There are perks to living in the country and having a deaf husband.  American Idol has disappointed me 3 times this season.  Who in their right mind ( and with working ears) would vote off Pia, Casey and now James.  If ever there was a true American Idol, James Durbin who battles autism and is raising a family, should be a front runner....The two girls left in the final four are OK but nothing stellar and nothing to Idolize. The celebrity Apprentice has gotten a few "out of chair" experiences too.  When Star was fired, I was one happy fan!
All the finales are next week:  I choose, Hines or Chelsea.. either will make me the "Dancing Queen!".  I really am impressed by John Rich... Until the Apprentice, I thought Big and Rich was just what I aspired to be one day... I've got 1/2 of it nailed!  American Idol.... I give up... I'd have to say Scotty as neither of the screaming girls impresses me at all and I kind of like that deep, honky tonk voice.
 The harshest reality of all is that all my favorite programs are wrapping up their seasons..... but, I am looking forward to Flashpoint ( I LOVE it), Hawthorne, Rookie Blue and maybe even a few baseball games.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Fingers crossed

We have our fingers crossed that we've found a "lease to own" couple who loves our Locke house.  They are so excited and it appears we are all on the same page.  I mentioned not painting the woodwork and she cringed at even the mention of such a thing.  They're not afraid of upkeep and understand the entire "older house theory."  They know that an ugly wall torn down will be most often uglier.  They know that lathe and plaster = dust, dirt, often new wiring, insulation and hours of work.  They have even purchased a computer program that they can integrate pictures of each room and play with furniture location, paint colors and even occasional structural changes.  They know that all good things take time....and money.  I'm excited, they're excited and even Lee's excited that some of the upkeep burden (lawns, snow removal,etc) will now be removed from his honey-do list. They started cleaning this week-end and when I went by this morning there are plants hanging on the porch....It looks like someone's finally home again....It's a great house and was a great home. Many memories are there from my childhood to Jeff and Jess's. Now it's a new family's turn to make some. I feel like Ty Pennington... "Welcome home Sheppard Family- welcome home!"

Thursday, May 12, 2011


Today I am speechless..... I have much to say about Law Guardians but I'm remembering words my grandfather once said to me.... "If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all!". Enough said!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Decisions, Decisions

One of my pet peeves (and it appears I have more and more these days) is being indecisive.  I've never really had trouble making decisions. I either need it or I don't, I can afford it or I can't, I like it/them or I don't and I'll be there or I won't.  I like to think my reasoning skills have been honed throughout the years and through research and experience, I can make decisions. I try to give those not blessed with good decision making skills the benefit of the doubt.  I know that often they are trying hard not to hurt someone's feelings... Unfortunately, I wasn't blessed with THAT skill! For someone who enjoys color, I pretty much have a black and white attitude toward decisions.  My husband is one of the "I just can't deciders!"  Finally after several years, he sold his pick up in favor of something new(er).  What that might be could easily remain a secret for the next several days, weeks or possibly months. Yesterday he liked green, today brown but he's found a great black one he likes.  He thinks cloth versus leather is the answer but that black one does have leather heated seats.  This friend knows of one is PA. but another has found one in OH. Should he spend $27K on one that is nearly 3 years old or $31K on a brand new one. I'm at the point where "Frankly my dear, I don't give a damn!"  I built an entire house and chose everything from door handles to shingle colors in less time than the purchase of new wheels has taken Mr. Reticent.  I say: a new,extended cab, mocha, GMC Sierra with all the bells and whistles. You've worked for it, you've earned it, now go get it.!!!!!
                                        I'll keep you posted. It has to be a matter of time before driving the red (he hates red) Ford,( he hates Fords) Exploder gets the best of him and he finally makes a decision!!!!!  That much I've decided!!!!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

My Flock

Sadly, I lost another member of my flock yesterday:-(  Gary Grosbeak bit the dust...or should I say glass.  I heard the thump from my den and went to investigate. Nothing there so I figured it was maybe just an aborted take off.  A few before him have crashed landed, regained consciousness and resumed their flight.  When Bailee arrived, she came running for me to go see the bird.  There by the walk door laid Gary...no miraculous recovery for this grosbeak.  Unfortunately, really the only times to get a closeup, still look at the birds and their beauty is when you have them in hand.  I knew that Gary had some beautiful red on his breast but had no idea that under his wings was more beautiful color.  I do my very best to give them all a safe habitat. I provide good food, fresh water, shrubs for safety and an unobstructed area for take offs and landings.  I even go so far as to purposely NOT keeping my windows sparkling clean (yeah right) to avoid crashes. They all know they're perfectly safe, including the cow birds and starlings that grab a snack and a chuckle knowing their safety is assured as well. (They've seen me shoot).  So today we mourn the loss of another feathered friend and hope that bird heaven is welcoming Gary home.  I may have to give in and place a few decals on the wall of windows to let them all know that runway October Tango is closed.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mother's Day

It was a quiet, uneventful Mother's Day. Jeff called in the morning and Jess and Bailee came up when she got home from her Dad's.  Thank God it wasn't marred by opening up a bunch of gifts and cards.. (all sarcasm intended).  I think I'll have one from Charlotte in my mailbox today :-)  We had fun being outside all day. Lee home early from the gun club and we burned brush, cut some trees, played on the swing, took bumpy golf cart rides, sang songs about nature, laid in the grass and decided what the clouds looked like and finally grilled some burgers. B and I made an ice cream run and by 8 p.m. I was fast asleep in my chair missing The Apprentice.  Thank God for tivo!! 

Friday, May 6, 2011

Happy Mom's Day

I'm getting ready to celebrate my 32nd Mother's day.  Wow, I can still remember the day we got the call and  I knew that in 24 hours, I would be a Mom.  I wasn't worried that I didn't know how or I might fail or would the bond be there?  I knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that it was meant to be and I'd be damned good!  Never once have I thought , "What the hell were you thinking?"  I knew the things that I wanted to do differently than my Mom had done and the things I wanted to do exactly the same.  I knew I wanted to be home with them when they left for school and home when they arrived back at the door. For that wonderful gift I thank Lee.  Some years were a little short in the pocketbook but we made it work.  I really don't think our kids were overly indulged with everything they wanted but were blessed to be given not only tangible things but the gifts of love, respect and discipline. There are always jokes about .....oh yeah, he/she is the golden, chosen child...... Well ours were.... and we couldn't have made better choices...... Happy Mother's Day to me ♥

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Sputnik update

 No more door
 All opened up above and tile below to go around the range hood
I have the best carpenters, painters, electricians.....oh, it's all the same guy!!! Lucky me!  We are at the painting stage and nearly ready for tile.  Door to nowhere is gone...somewhere, new window is in, propane line is run, necessary decorative supplies are almost all here, lighting is purchased, Omaha steaks arrived yesterday, stove ships Thursday and we should be cookin' !  I'm even having a specialty counter built that will incorporate stone mini tiles and stainless.  I think I might even have a small cutting board made right into the counter. (shh, I haven't told my craftsman yet)  I even have an extra flat screen TV that we won't be using in the bedroom of the motor home and I think we need that near the satellite kitchen as well.  We'll need to know whether we're eating in or out (side) and will keep it on the Food Network all other times!.  I do have to keep reminding Lee that this IS a garage... I WILL be continuing to park my vehicle inside and "no" we aren't putting in recliners! One Man Cave is enough!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The airport

Yesterday was another trip to the doctors with Mom. As always she asked, "Where are we" - at
the doctors Mom.  "For what?"-  Just a check up  "Oh, they just want to make sure I'm healthy before I get on the plane!" - Yep, exactly.  All of the sudden it clicked for me!  Last week after our appointment she asked , as she nodded to the back seat, "where have they been?"... I slowly figured out that she thought we had been to the airport and picked up two gentlemen there.  Today, back at the doctors, the same airport scenario appeared.  I've read quite a bit about Alzheimer's and the strange twists and turns the brain travels during the stages of the disease...what gets remembered, what gets lost.  I've decided that the arrangement of the chairs and the metal arms of the chairs in the doctors waiting room are sparking events of many years ago and some of Mom's travels on an airplane.. which in turn sparked her memories of retrieving Dad and his pals from the airport returning from their many golf outings. I don't think she really sees anyone in the present (like in the back seat) but "connects" to certain memories.  That's a good thing!  As far as the health goes....she appears to be rallying from whatever was making her so lethargic the last couple of weeks.  She's more alert and not falling asleep in her meals....Another good thing!  They had a wonderful celebration last Friday for the Royal Wedding.  music, dancing, wedding cake, horse-drawn carriage rides and a nostalgic DVD put together of many resident's wedding photos and memorabilia.  They did a great job and everyone enjoyed the afternoon.  The gals do a great job there keeping everyone occupied and moving.... If ever my timing was good... it was our move to Walden Place.

Monday, May 2, 2011


 Remember Llama, Llama Misses Mama?  One of Bailee's favorite books to read at Grandmas.  Well today is Obama, Obama snuffs Osama.   (I know I'm giving WAY too much credit to the POTUS when in essence this has been the goal for the past two presidents). There's nothing childlike and there's no rhyme or reason for the actions of this "being".  I can't even bring myself to call him a man. I know that no death should be appreciated or rejoiced or celebrated but I find it hard after watching the television for the entire day on September 11th, followed by days and weeks of grueling funerals and memorial services.  I'm not naive enough to believe we're safe.....but I'm strong enough to know that justice has been meted out for those who never lived a minute past September 11th. There will be retaliation! The war is not over but we finally won a battle. We won't see peace in our lifetime....There will always be some faction that sees our strengths as a threat to their lifestyles.  We should, however, be proud of our military. They accomplished what they signed on for and let's remember that's exactly what they did... we have no draft... they chose to be our protectors and fight for what our country stands for... Last night.... they won one!!