Thursday, September 30, 2010

Please lie down on the couch and tell me what's bothering you!

While lying in bed this morning, it made me happy to think about the new family members I have come in contact with through Face Book.  Cousins from Illinois, Arkansas, Virginia, Indiana and Georgia. It made me smile more to know that their families are dysfunctional too :-) I am excited to reconnect with such talented, intelligent and funny relation.  Then I became sad.... who can I share this good news with?  Dad........ is gone but would be so happy to know that extended family are now communicating. Mom.......would not even remember w
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ho they were and my sister......doesn't even want to communicate with family she knows. OK, enough with the mini depression.....My family glass is still undoubtedly half full.  Not only do I have wonderful, new extended family but I have the best in-law family ever.  The traditions my kids have learned have all come directly from the Hatfields. Most of the best times in the last 43 years, have been with them. So instead of whining about who's unavailable to share my news with, I'll just reiterate that I have the best Hatfield family, the best new Hewitt "finds" and the best friends around.... Thanks for listening.. therapy session is over!

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