Friday, October 1, 2010

Who's the Leader of the band that's made for you and Me?

M-I-C   K-E-Y   M-O-U-S-E.....!  Today, way back in 1971 (doesn't really seem so "way back" to me) Disney World opened in Orlando.  I vaguely remember the hype but this was my first year out of high school and large black ears were not top on my agenda. I can remember the first time I was there and it was with my kids.  Our parents weren't very theme oriented in terms of vacation unless it was connected to golf.  We went to Florida almost every year but it wasn't to take the kids on any type of adventure.  We were around and either had to go with them on their treks or they'd have to find a babysitter willing to spend a couple weeks with 3 very not necessarily different,.. just different from each other. We were 5 and 8 years apart from youngest to oldest.  I was the baby....shocker.  I do remember going to McKee Jungle Gardens and Cypress Gardens so we weren't in total deprivation.  After all, we were in Florida and all of our friends were home in the cold going to school.  We never went to the North Pole to check out Santa or camping at the Glen. We never went to concerts or the Ice-capades. We did go to Hotel Syracuse every year for a special shopping, dining and overnight experience in the "city".  We'd drive to Auburn occasionally and get to sit in the big leather corner booth at the Elks Club. That was always a treat to smell the cigars and whiskey and enjoy the small bowl of pretzels we were allotted with our small cokes in a glass with more ice than soda.  Funny the things you remember.  Don't get me wrong, we had a good childhood.  We'd spend 6 months a year at the lake boating, skiing and entertaining. I'd get to go to the country club every Tuesday and Thursday with my brown bag lunch and get to play with all the rest of the spoiled children of Auburn's doctors and lawyers. Maybe as I think back on our vacations, they (being Mom and Dad) were right!  They were enjoying the fruits of their labor, we were certainly not neglected and had experiences which I obviously remember. They enjoyed their lives and lived them fully if not exactly as I have chosen to live mine.  I learned from those times that I wanted my kids to have some different memories.  I wanted them to realize that our time spent with them was exactly where we wanted to be.  I wanted them to hear me say "I love you" but instinctively know it if it wasn't every day.I know there's a point here somewhere....and I guess it's the old adage of quality vs quantity.  It doesn't make any difference if you all go to Disney World or the pool at the Motel 6 as long as you all do it together.  "We've" promised Bailee that she could go to Disney World when she's 5..... that was when she was we're only a year away.  The best part is, she'll remember it and we'll be together.
One of my favorite stories is: When Jeff  was a toddler and would be asked how old he was, he'd answer "FOUR, except when I go to Disney World then I'm THREE!"  Damn cheap parents!

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