Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Happy Campers

It was a nice week-end.  We headed out with a little skepticism when we realized we had no electricity or water on our site and it was only 30 ft. long (we're 34ft) but we were pleasantly surprised to settle into a nice spot.  Had we located on our reserved spot, we'd have killed a couple tenters and their week-end home....NOT, so we rolled up around the bend and settled in front of Purdy's.  Thankfully, we have on- board generators so we could catch the news, use the crock pot and make coffee ( yeah I know, it's camping to me !).  Everybody took a turn at meal-fixing and we had some good vittles. Loved Laurie's Rueben Casserole!  Norm even made a breakfast concoction in a cast iron pot on the fire... It was a little nippy but the fire made it cozy.  Some of the crew golfed, some hiked, some read....guess which group I was in?  The campfire was great.... lots of songs and stories.  It's funny how things that were traumatic 30 and 40 years ago, we're able to chuckle at now.  Luckily we can all laugh at ourselves which is a pretty good thing.  I did take a ride down to the "Green Lake" with the not- so- excited about hiking crew. It was beautiful.... Looks much like the water in the Caribbean. Thinking our next jaunt in Jerome will be to Jeff's in October but we may get to New Hampshire and even squeeze in one more "camping" week-end before the snow flies.  This is such a busy time with birthdays, hunting and holidays... busy but the best time of the year.... We're actually "Happy Campers" all year round!

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