Friday, September 24, 2010

Could it be the Tea?

Until the nineteenth century, solid blocks of tea were used as money in Siberia.    Hmmm

Who would have thought the significance of tea would be so prolific?  Tea used as currency, tea used for barter, tea used as a political symbol, tea used as dye, tea used for confusion, tea used as a remedy and back full circle to being used as the latest symbol of concern , unrest and the "we're just not gonna take it anymore" philosophy. I actually understand that to some degree. I do not understand it being used as an excuse for a total clean sweep.  There's no broom, or cup of tea, capable of that. Unfortunately, every cause has it's wackos and their unrest but also it's thinkers and their merit.  I'm siding with the thinkers (of course I am....would I even admit otherwise?) The wackos detract from what we thinkers would like to portray. We'd like to think we're intelligent, reasonable, forthright, tax paying citizens.  We understand that there needs to be a government, someone to lead, make sensible laws and enforce them..hence the three strong branches of our government.  What we have seen from these branches in the last ten years appears to be a terminal case of Dutch Elm disease.  Our roots have become tangled, our bark is wearing thin and our leaves are changing color (no pun intended, well maybe a little one).  I'm not sure there's an immediate cure. Out with the old and in with the new probably isn't the answer. We have new and that's not working so well.  Maybe a potion of some old school with some new teachers might help and maybe add just of pinch of tea..... to spice it up a bit.!!!

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