Monday, May 20, 2013

The end of an era:-(

Yesterday was the end of an era for those of us "on the lake" and many in the area.  Our beloved Baylors was sold at auction. Thankfully, my memories are many and fairly intact.  Other than babysitting, it was my first real job.  I was raised on the lake and our family lived there more than half of each year for over 50 years..  Baylors was a staple as was Scotty's Boatyard.  It was just part of our week, our summer, our lives!  It's where I learned to love liver, it's where I took my first date (at 6 years old) and he blew chunks of lobster randomly on his way to the bathroom, it's where we celebrated all occasions that warranted Mom not cooking, it's where we listened to the same band every Saturday night and snake-danced through the double doors to the kitchen. it's where I played my first arcade game, it's where I made my first real money, it's where I learned to "take" the big tables on the week-ends because usually everyone was loaded and each end didn't realize the other had already tipped me, it's where we celebrated our rehearsal dinner on July 18, 1975 and it's where I learned real work ethic from the Baylor family.  In more recent times, it was where we socialized and made many new and lasting friendships.  It's where my family celebrated marriages, birthdays and anniversaries. It's where I learned to play poker, drink more than one alcoholic beverage while remaining upright and it's where we all ended up after a long, fun day on the lake.
 I'm a little resentful. I can't believe that the place isn't still flourishing today.  It remained the only "show in town" for boaters and provided a venue of relaxation and enjoyment on the lake.  It may just be a part of aging but we all hate to see anything end, especially something we loved.  Once you reach our age, endings mark a pretty scary finality.  Without a docking spot, I can see our days on the water will be few.  It's not as easy to launch the pontoon boat, sail the seas and reload at the end of the day. It's actually easier...not to ( I know, it's a preposition.)
Joyously, we'll have stories to tell as long as our memories allow. We can reminisce with old friends and tell tales to our grandkids. I guess it's all part of the process.....a part that makes me sad:-(

Ginny (Baylor) Moore shakin' a leg after a hard night at work..Notice the white uniform...if you were a waitress, you looked and dressed like one!!!!!
cruising on the inlet.....Wish it looked like this today!!!

The old hotel....before my time
Lots of wonderful memories made right here!

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