Monday, May 6, 2013

A is for.......

A is for Asinine, Alligator, Ancient, Antique and Aging... there are a few other A words that could relate but I'll pass. It's that time of year where I crave the sunshine and warmth on my skin.  Even at this ripe old age of 61, I find myself inching to that deadly ray of ultraviolet.  It was a sign of spring, of youthful exuberance and of a proverbial, healthy glow....That was then...this is now. I won't say I worshipped the sun, but my prayers were answered when it shone and I could languish in it.  I remember a friend explaining that May's rays were the best tanning of the season.  We would sit on her patio with aluminum foil reflecting the rays on our faces. On our winter escapes to Florida, it was sun, sand and pool from sunrise to sunset. I was lucky to have a skin type that switched from evening red to morning brown. Being lucky enough to live on the lake for over 30 years, the sun was just part of every great day. A was for Accepted during those tanning years.

That was then...................:-)  

Can you say..PURSE?

This is now.............Seriously?

I still agree that puny white doesn't look all that healthy. I still love the feel of the warmth on my skin. (old people chill easily) and I still extol most all the virtues of sunshine. I do not, however, sit in it for long periods of time....anymore.  I am a major stockholder in Jergens lotion and I am quite certain that someone transferred my Aunt Janet's knees, my 91 year old Mother's arms, my deceased Grandma Hewitt's hands and my Grandpa Tice's sagging, wrinkly face  directly onto my body one nght while I was sleeping.  If it was a joke, I'm not laughing!  (OK maybe just a little bit)

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